show review
(Joe Ellsworth)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Feb 14, '03 11:55 am
Once again Satch and the boys were"ON". I have seen Joe every time he comes to San Diego and I am never let down. The man is freakin' amazing!! I never even noticed the tech glitch. I thought the Bass solo along with the drums was awesome. Jeff C. is one hell of a drummer. I do miss Stu, but Matt proved his worth. Keep rockin' Joe, your shows are worth the hassle from my wife.

NIGHTCAP2001 Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Feb 13, '03 8:33 pm

I'm from the Boston area and recently relocated to the San Diego area and have seen Joe a # of times back east. G3, old Boston Gahhdan, Orpheum Theater, Avalon ballroom. I thought he put on an excellent show here last week with the perfect mix of old favs and new shit that really grooves. This show also proved that we are all human and Joe was extremely apologetic when he experienced some tech difficulties. Once the problem was corrected he started Rasberry Jam over and order was reached once again on Satch Nation. New Jam is my new fav tune live. Sounded even better than the recording. Band played well together and was really tight. Mark sounded good but unless it's Stu I just can't get into the Bass solo. I guess you need to give your fingers a break though , I can only imagine what they must feel like after you've been burning up the fretboard all night.

I want a pick though Joe! You keep missing me!

Furious George
(Jeff Mueller)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Feb 11, '03 4:04 pm
My second J.S. show, and the best yet. I saw Joe at Hospitality Point at the G3 in..., I think, 1995. I agree that the smaller venues make for better shows. Joe rocked beyond expectation, and he played just about every one of my favorites. I was really excited to see the show as it has been so long since I have seen one, and Joe did not disapoint! The rest of the band rocked as well, the bass/drum solo was incredible! I was not too impressed with the opener though. I don't play guitar so maybe the whole "frettless guitar" thing was lost on me. That guy played well, but the songs didn't do much for me. Anyway, I associate some of Joe's songs, with getting through some tough times in high school, so hearing them live re-instilled in me the feeling of victory in life as I remember them. Thank you for an unforgettable evening Joe, and remember that San Diego will always welcome you warmly. Come back soon...I can't wait!

art jr
(Arturo Abrego)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Feb 10, '03 7:28 pm

The show was awsome!!! The band was great... and the solos each one of them played were very eye opening!!! Eventhough they stopped in the middle of the "raspberry jam" song...the audience didn't notice anything was wrong. Joe explained that there was a noise coming through his amp and that it was driving him crazy; he couldn't concentrate!!! The sound check guy went out, fixed the problem, and the rest of the show was great!! My favorite song was without a doubt "mind storm"... Joe played it brilliantly with his beautiful seven string guitar!!!

One of the best concerts I've ever been to!!!

didjfan Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Feb 09, '03 6:40 pm
Hey Joe and the Boys. The show was so great! Best time I've had. The microphone/amp glitch was not anything to apolagize for. Your music has saved me from more than one "Mind Fuck" and I thank you for the music and your Spirit.

(Rick Shedd)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Feb 08, '03 7:53 am
WOOOOOOW!! What A night!! Everything about it was great!! First we won Aftershow Passes-Then a guy who could'nt attend the show gave us free tickets. We were right up front watching the BEST guitar player ever-My wife caught a Drum Stick-Meet some great people, one of them was a gal from England named Patricia who has seen Joe over 40 times. The sound was good-The band was tight & the Song Set was the best. Overall everything was wat you would expect from a JOE SHOW and then some!! During Rasberry Jamb, the was some sound dificulties, but Joe made up for it by playing the song again!! I've got to say,Joe has got to be one of the most HUMBLEST people I think I've ever meet!! He signed some pictures I took from a previous concert in Anaheim as well as the Drumstick. He even took the time to talk to a guys Fiacee' in his cell phone. WAY COOL JOE!! I got alot of great pics also!! THANKS AGAIN GUYS!! Hope you liked your "KILLER DANA" beannie Joe. FANS FOREVER- DA KOOK & WIFE BOBBI

(Raymond DiGiorgio)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Feb 08, '03 4:40 am

There's something about seeing Joe live in a smaller venue that just seems better to me as opposed to seeing him at a larger venue. The band appears more loose and in the groove, which has a tendency to result in Joe going off, playing some amazing extended solos throughout the night The more intimate venues, in my opinion, pump out a little louder and bigger sound too.


Joe, Jeff, and Galen - Thank you for an evening I'll never forget! I'll never be able to look at another HUMMER H2 LIMO the same way ever again!

Ray - RDG

(Pauline France)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Feb 07, '03 5:27 pm
The truth is i didn't really get to go to this concert. It was a 21 + show and I'm 17. There's good news, though. I arrived at 4th & B at 2:30 pm hoping to meet Joe and the rest of the band. After waiting for 5 hours, Galen got there and I got to take pictures with him. He is the nicest person EVER. Joe arrived a little bit after Galen, and I got to take pictures with him also (plus, I gave him a huuuuge hug!! haha). Joe & Galen treat their fans sooo nicely!! I love you both!! Ciaoooo ... Did I sound like a show off ?? :S

rusty dog
(Russell Weston)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Feb 07, '03 3:29 pm
this is my first post in about 2 years. let it be said that the 4th and B show frickin' ruled!! Time machine and why both ruled, new last jam suprised the hell out of me and the solo section w\ jeff and matt was awesome. there were some technical difficulties about halfway through the show during raspberry jam, but joe was cool and started the whole song over. kudos for having a sense of humor about it joe, you didnt throw a fit like Billy idol at the warfield in 2001. thanks to ned for hookin it up backstage( i was the guy in the Gi joe shirt ) thanks to joe, jeff, matt, and galen for a terrific show and see you again, in san diego or the Bay. mega boyd, wassup!

(Sam Miller)
Wed Feb 05 '03
4th & B
San Diego, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Feb 06, '03 12:24 pm
The show at San Diego's 4th & B was absolutely AWESOME!!!!! This was the first Satch show I'd been to, and let me tell blew me away, guys!! The bass solo was rockin' and a half (as was the drum solo), and I was so close I could read the letters on Joe's pedals! A funny thing happened at the end of the show though. I had a white, faded, alien guitar pick which I carry with me everywhere....ya' know, just in case. Well, after "Friends," I threw the pick up towards Joe, but he either didn't see it, or just didn't aknowledge it. It just sat there in the center of the stage (sadness). As eveyone was clearing out (and I was waiting for the doorway to be less crowded) there were a few "stragglers" that were bugging Mike Manning for picks and such. Well, he saw my pick and figured it was one that they might want, so he threw it out to us and about 9 guys dove for it! They were all excited when they got it! Obviously, they thought it was a Joe pick, but now there is someone out there with a faded, white alien pick, which they believe belonged to Joe himself when in was just mine!! Is that not funny!?!?! Anyway, awesome show!!!! I'll catch ya' at the next SD show!!! Peace!