show review
Hagstrom 2 Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 4 Posted: Tue Feb 11, '03 8:11 am
The sound mix for the first two songs was good. After a few songs though, Joe's guitar was drowned out by the bass and rhytmn guitar. We tried moving to other spots in the Fillmore, but the sound was just plain bad. By the end we could hardly hear Joe. I didn't care for the bass player: the notes were not complimentary to the songs. The song list was not the list that I would have chosen, although I did not dislike any of the songs. I saw Joe in Sacramento a couple of years ago and would rate that show a perfect 10, one of the best concerts that I have ever been to. I have the DVD and every song on it is top notch. I'll stay home and watch the DVD before I'll stand up for hours in the Fillmore.

SofaKingWhat Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon Feb 03, '03 1:09 pm
Should we expec anything less from Satch? The man kicked my ass on Saturday night with an explosive show that left me feeling that I got WAY more than my money's worth. When he busted ou twith "Time Machine" I almost lost it. Not only that but there was this guy in the crowd who had the greatest "mexi-mullet" I've ever seen! He was rockin out like no other! I think he was pretty wasted too but who cares, he was lovin every minute of it just like the rest of the packed house. Closing with "friends" was a great way to end the show. This show was by far better than the Dream Theater/Satch show in LA. Cant wait to see ya soon Satch. Thanx for such a kick ass show!

chron Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Feb 03, '03 10:12 am
I'd say it was 9.5 when it started out but gradually became a 10 as the setlist went on due to the overall mix becoming better (Matt's bass was turned up which helped). By far this is the loudest Joe show I've been to where I haven't been up front w/ monitors in my face. Everyone's tone was very good tonight, a bit better than I've heard at the Warfield the last two times and MUCH better than Portland a few months ago. The crowd also seemed to be much more energetic than past Filmore shows which helped lend itself to the band's performance. Time Machine was excellent, please keep this around for the next live dvd. Thanks to Boyd (MegaBoyd) for joining me backstage for the aftershow. Special thanks to Joe, Galen, Jeff, and Jon Luini for taking time to visit with us. I truly appreciate it and safe journey thru the rest of your tour. peace... =)

Gary918123 Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Mon Feb 03, '03 7:38 am
This was the third time I have seen Joe. First time was at the Berkeley Community theater a few years ago and at Bone Bash 3 most recently. The sound clarity was awesome at the Bone Bash. This gig was somewhat distorted and I was hoping for more slower ballads in his song set. The opening act I didn't clearly like but Nevit has potential. As for Joe's playing>>>awesome< he is in the category of great guitar players : Jeff Beck<Ritchie Blackmore<Steve Morse<Jimi Hendrix. I have all of Joe's musical releases and look forward to what Joe brings to his next release. My fiancee is all smiles whenever she hears Joe play. Keep on gigging!

shalabal Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Feb 02, '03 1:56 pm
Joe was great, the sound sucked and the opening act, "guitarist" Eric Nevitt (or somethinglike that) was absolutely horrible!!!!!! I feltlike my head was in a meat grinder. Who ever booked him to open for Satch should be forced to listen to him with headphones on cranked to 100 for about an hour. His "music" if you can callit that was nothing but a bunch of noise looped over and over. His vocals were horrendous and his playing was sloppy. If he was trying to be Robert Fripp he failed miserably. If he was trying to be a guitarist he failed even worse then that. Please, please, please Joe don't ever let that guy open for you again. Please don't subject your fans to that kind of cruelty!!!!!!! I give Joe's performance a 9.5 but the overall show a 6 due to poor sound and an even worse opening act.

(Jesse L)
Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Feb 02, '03 1:32 pm
Awesome show! I enjoyed it very much. It was my first time ever to see Joe play live. My favorite songs he played were Why? and Mind Storm. Two of my very favorite songs. Joe was of course unbelievably great. And Jeff was kicking some ass of drums! Double-bassin' and I was impressed. Thanks a lot guys.

(Jake Williams)
Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Sun Feb 02, '03 12:23 pm
This was a great show by normal standards, but not by Joe Satriani standards. I thought the drums were a little too loud, and when Joe played really fast you couldn't pick out all the notes. I was amped up to go to this show because there's been alot of buzz about setlist changes. It was pretty much the same old thing though, Time Machine being the only oddball. I was hoping for some real changes like maybe Psycho Monkey or Banana Mango 2 or Engines of Creation or something really crazy that I would always remember like when Joe played Clouds Race Across the Sky at this show I saw at the Warfield. It seemed like he was getting dangerously close to a Vai-like state of shredding his ass off, which is a shame because I know Joe can be really tasty when he wants to. That being said, Oriental Melody, Raspberry Jam, and Time Machine were the best, and Friends and Always With Me get a special mention. Don't get me wrong, it was a fun show, but it wasn't even close to the Mind-Blowing show I saw on the Engines tour at the Warfield. Hey Joe, if you really wanna give us something to remember then totally warp the setlist. Two words: Turkey Man!

unclemark Sat Feb 01 '03
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Feb 02, '03 1:38 am
Saw Joe for the eighth time ( so far)what a night, He looked at me told me he like my shades was going to give them to him but he did not come close enough, maybe next time hope to see you all soon Mark B .