show review
(Vik Grover)
Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Oct 19, '03 2:49 pm
I listened to Joe for years and finally got to see him. Had tickets in the 4th row, and took some clients. Words couldn't describe it, and my clients which really did not know the tunes were in awe. Great job please do another album soon.

(André Gama Rosário)
Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: Posted: Fri Jun 13, '03 12:27 pm
Osama bin Laden on line!!

Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jan 11, '03 8:59 pm
What an oppurtunity to sit 3 rows right in front of the Man himself. I think there is no such thing as a bad Joe Satriani show. The sound was right on except for that popping sound at the end of rasberry jam but what are you going to do s??? happens. All in all the show was great and the band was so tight and in the pocket even though I missed Stu but Matt did a great job. I hope you come back to Town Hall soon, it really is a great venue. Thanks Joe and band for a great night. (Greek Guitar) P.S. Doesn't anybody have any pictures to post from this show or from many past shows? Hope they get on soon.

la belle guitare 0221 Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 26, '02 3:17 pm

the town hall performance was Awesome i never got the chance to post a review about it after it sank in . After the show i was a little bit excited to meet Joe After the meet and greet that i nearley tripped and fell down the stairs while walking towards the stage area lol Joe was extremly nice and humble as well .i cant believe he actually took the time to listen to my two page letter and to sign my guitar. I really wanted to tell him about my up and comming music carreer but i didnt get a chance to oh well maybe next time, i gave him a notebook that was full of all my poetry that i have written over the past few months i wonder if he likes any of it ????? i dont know if he actually got the chance to read some. Joe if you get a chance to read this message thanks for an awesome show . Hope you can visit First Flight Music Store it would be awesome if we could have a little Jam session on guitar. Hope to see you soon


(ike palka)
Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 5:17 pm

first of all, Joe Satch, you are GOD and you put on one hell of a show. I've been listening ot your music for a while and seeing you on stage for the first time was amazing.

the sound at the beginning was messed up, whenever Joe hit the A and E strings during rhythm, there was a very strong fuzz and clicking sound, and you couldnt hear the notes. i dont know if it was his amp or the bass, but somethign was very screwed up. they fixed it during the show, and after that the sound was perfect.

the audience... pretty dead. I was sitting on the balcony, and nobody would stand. they didn't even stand when Joe went on stage. Luckily there were some empty seats on the sides in the front of the balcony so I went there with my friend and we were able to stand and dance to the music, which rocked.

all in all, the show was awsome, and ill go to Joe again as soon as he comes around

andythegr8 Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 4:09 pm
I never could never have imagined that I could have seen Joe so close , even though I just had balcony ticket. The place was the best setting u could ever get....and from anywhere in the theatre u could enjoy Joe guitaring and see those hands move like a machine...he makes it look so easy....This was the best concert i ever had witnessed. Thanks Joe

(Dave Schwartz)
Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 3:34 pm
As always, Joe put on a kick ass performance!!!!!! And he also made my night by getting to meet him after the show was over. Wish I had a camera with me but even without it, it was definately worth more than money could ever buy. I don't think I have ever seen Joe play so fast, you truly ripped it up last night!!!!!! Thanks Joe you truly are the greatest guitarist ever and a great person as a whole!!!!!!!!!! Hope to make it out to Cali to see you at the Fillmore. Thanks for all the inspiration, Dave.

JT3 Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 10:50 am

Wow. Not only did we see the greatest guitarist in the world play in an intimate venue we got to met him after the show. Like one of the other reviewers said, it's hard to believe that this kind, unassuming, very pleasant man was the same one we had just seen prowling the stage and ruling the world. As a player he is mesmorizing. As a person he is genuine and unpretentious. Truly touched by God.

Joe, thanks for a great show. Steve, thanks for the ticket. I've got the omni-directionals.

napsack Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 9:43 am
I will say that this is the first real concert I have participated. I have just come back from Joe's concert in town hall, at first I was disappointed that I didn't win an aftershow pass, but then good deeds pay off ;) I met a person in the venue and he introduced me to others, at the end of the how I got to stay after and meet Joe personally. I think he noticed that I'm a great fan of his, because if I had the resources to follow his tour I would do so. I have not counted how many songs he played, the audience was great staff were also great people. The show was spectacular, he played with alot of enthusiasm and in comparison to Jones beach and Toronto , 5 thumbs up :P every concert get better and longer. I have to thank Joe for his inspiration in my personal studies and for creating such great music. I hope you keep up the great work Joe. I hope those who are awaiting for his next concert get a chance to meet him. 12-12-02 1:30am

Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 9:32 am

The concert was fantastic. The theater was pretty small and that made it easy to see Joe Satriani playing. His playing was phenominal and so was his band. He used about 5 or 6 different guitars. He used his signature JS 1000 and a double neck and a 7- string. I am 15 now, and I didn't think I'd see him till I was atleast 30. This was really an honor for me because Joe Satriani, Eric Clapton and Adrian Smith really moulded the shape of my playing. He opened with ' flying in a blue dream'. It was excellent. I don't really remember the exact order, but I do remember he did '7-string', 'summer song', 'always with me always with you', 'crush of love', 'Satch Boogie', 'oriental melody', 'starry night', 'devil's slide', 'mind storm', 'friends', 'cool # 9', time machine'. He did a whole lot extra solos and all.

I remember half way through the show, I went right to the front of the stage, and I saw a whole lot of peopletouching the stage, I didin't see any security guys so i pushed my way through, got right to the stage, leaning on it, he was at one point 2 feet away from me. I stayed there for about 20 minutes. I took my Crystal PLanet cover out for him to sign while he was playing, he said hi and to the guys infront and all. After he and his band bowed to us, he went backstage, and came back out like an encore.The whole show was just excellent.

After we went out someone said that he would be coming out ofa gate next to the entrnace. We waited there, for an hour hoping that we would meet him. Surprisingly enough there were only around 12 people waiting, I don't think the rest knew. Finaly he came out with his mom. Then I went up to him, Shook his hand, told him the show was fantastic. He's a really nice guy, very unasuuming and humble. It was hard to imagine that the chap standimg in front of me and smiling and signing autographs was the same guy up on stage: giving us his amazing guitar playing and generally being quite the rock star! I shook his hand again. Then my brother got his ticket stub signed and then i, shamelessly, went in again to try my luck a second time. He signed for me again. I told him it was an honor to meet him and my brother told satriani he was my inspiration(im a guitar player) and he was really nice. He listened and talked too.

A very nice guy..and what a player!!!! Way to go, Joe Satriani! PLAY ON!

nado09 Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 8:12 am
what a great show joe and the guys put on dec 11th! it was good to hear Time Machine after all these years. the set was a bit different from the webcast so it was a pleasant surprise. it's always an excellent experience seeing joe and his band (this line-up works well) either live, on DVD, or the web. looking forward to next time...thanks again joe!

(Rhonda Frey)
Wed Dec 11 '02
Town Hall
New York, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 4:36 am
The show last night ROCKED!!!! Joe was on fire and the whole band was in great form! Joe pulled out some of the old faves....Time Machine, Why...I had all I could do to stay in my seat! Joe interacted ALOT with the audience and everyone was lovin' it! A rockin' bass and drum solo added to the thrill and Joe was literally blowing up the place! When he hit the high note at the climax of Raspberyy Jam, something popped and the lights on stage went out! Joe and the band were looking around to see if something blew up-everyone was going wild! Must have been an amp or something, but an awesome accompaniment to an explosive show! KUDOS, JOE! Love ya'!