show review
enthos Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Feb 20, '04 8:56 am

AWESOME! I was right in front of Joe's mike stand. It was great meeting so many great fan's too. Norm was an Aftershow Pass winner and he let me have one of his passes, since his wife could not attend. He also let me squeeze between himself and Ron. Ron gave me a disposable camera with 27 exposures, because I only had three exposures left on the one I brought. Norad was just an all around nice guy like everyone else. We all talked guitars and of course Satch.

Ned was the opening act; guitarist who used a fretless guitar with a glass neck. He was pretty good. I liked his bluesy style. I give him a 7.

Joe? Well he sounded AWESOME! He loves what he does and you can really tell that when your right up front watching the emotion he poors into his work. After the show, he was very down to earth, eager to sign anything you put in front of him and very gracious in answering any questioins. "Make sure you practice the right way. Don't get good at doing it wrong.....Deliver the right message." --was basically what he said for us beginners. He also said they should be back this way during the summer. See you all there.

cnote777 Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Dec 16, '02 6:48 am
This show was awesome. I was just introduced to Joe's music recently and can't believe I have missed it all these years. I was so lucky to be able to go to the concert and see him in action. I loved his band too-they were great. I had never been to the 9:30 Club and to see him in such a small setting was a real plus. I was upstairs on the balcony and didn't move through the whole show. I had a great view of him. I thought the other thing that was so cool is they all looked like they were having so much fun up there. I will anxiously be waiting for his next show. I hear he might be back in the summer. I'll be there. Thanks, Joe.

(david holt)
Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Dec 14, '02 8:09 am
Wow!!! Joe played great at the 9:30 club. The second song he played was crushing day(my favorite) he played satch boogie and a couple others I reconized. I wasn't on the floor I was up on the balcony, in my opinion a better view point. The drum solo was amazing, me being a drummer. when Joe came out everybody was shouting JOE! JOE! But before Joe came out some guy had a fretless guitar and part of it was glass...he was interesting, but nothing can compare to Joes amazing performance.

rsanto Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Dec 14, '02 4:59 am
Hi fellow satch fans! Well another ripping show by the master. It was great to talk to the fans on the Satch side of the stage. The die hards always line up on that side:) Who was the guy with the Chrome Boy replica?? Awsome guitar! It even fooled Joe:) I have to appologize to some guy in the front row, a pick came flying in my direction and landed at my feet. Seems me and this guy both had our fingers on the pick, not a big struggle but he finally said you have it. Thanks man! I now have 2 picks one from the Surfing with the Alien tour and now this tour. I have seen every show in the Balt/DC area since he first played the Bayou in Georgetown back in the late 80's. Each and every show was a great satch experience and every time I see him play I get as excited as the first time I saw him. Joe is just something special to see live. I would have to say his last apperance at the 930 club was the best show I ever attened but only because I won the aftershow passes to meet the man. Ill see all you Satch heads at the next gig in our area.

(Sharif Jameel)
Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Dec 13, '02 10:06 pm
Very nice show. This was my second show seeing Joe. A near flawless performance and the sound system was great. Joe was introducing Time Machine and said he was going to play a song that had been widely requested on the website and before he could say it, I was screamed out "TIME MACHINE!" and Joe stopped and looked right at me, it was pretty cool to have that moment of recognition from him. Only a 9 because a perfect show would be one where I could meet him afterwards like at Pier Six back in September! See you next time you're in town Joe!

virtuousdisciple Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Dec 13, '02 9:03 pm

I'm a relatively new fan of Joe's, and this was my first time seeing him live. It was absolutely incredible! Ever since I saw the Live In San Francisco DVD this spring I have practically made it a ritual to watch Joe in action in my room on a daily basis. I convinced a friend of mine just starting on guitar to come check out this master in action, and he seemed to be instantly converted to the Satch camp when Joe hit the stage. The club wasn't packed, despite filling in more after the show had started, but I was happy to see that the crowd was not minute. It was fun to see Joe use a seven string on the new crunchy tunes, and the double-neck he used was a real trip, as well. As others have said, it was a great 2-hour set, and I thought Matt held his own quite well in his solo with Jeff. I was an especially fervent participant in the concert, taking full advantage of this awesome opportunity to rock around and throw my head back to Joe's signature harmonic squeals. Nothing against the other audience near the stage, but I personally felt that simply staring at his fingerwork didn't make for a complete concert experience, it was much more fun for me to enjoy the music equally as much. My wonderful friend was able to buy me a ticket as I need all my money right now for Christmas gifts, but if that had not been the case it would certaintly have been worth paying the 35$ several times over and working it off over the following months. Being as close to the stage as I was, his high end sounded a bit piercing at first, but after I got an earplug in my left ear (it was near the right PA) it sounded exquisite! Joe was in great form that night, playing great classics like the obligatory Satch Boogie and Flying In A Blue Dream, new songs like Mind Storm and Starry Night, one I can't identify, (the tenth), and two of my favorites that I never expected to see him play: Why and Midnight! (I guess my setlist voting helped after all.) During one of the songs Joe even pointed at me! I threw up my arms and howled at him even louder! It was a spectacular night for both my friend and myself. Thank you so much, Joe! You have been a great inspiration to me in my musical journey. Thank you for coming to the DC area. It was one of the best moments of my life.

your young fan in the green winter jacket, -Chris

Bahamut314 Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 4:52 pm
WOW...that was an awesome show...I was up against the stage, front and center...Joe, I don't know how you play like you do, but it's awesome...the whole band was great of course...the opening act was pretty good too, interesting fretless guitar. Anyway, awesome show, can't wait to see you next time you come around this area (DC/Baltimore)

Baltimore Norm
(Norman Cohen)
Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 4:10 pm
Once again, Joe and the band were awesome! For those who may have been disappointed at the sound at the Pier 6 show, the 9:30 club more than made up for it! Thanks to the webmaster for giving me the aftershow passes- Matt I'm glad you were able to go. It was great to speak with Joe and Jeff again - where was Matt B.? I thought I was going to be disappointed at the opening act, but Ned Ebitt was a pleasant surprise - a frettles glass neck - now thats original. Joe's improvising was great, and the times he played with feedback was cool too. I also want to say that I had a great time meeting and talking to so many cool people. I hope that I get to see you all at the summer gig.

(Anthony Bnot-Norad)
Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 11:58 am

Hey all (which includes enthos, norm, RSantos!)

I was another SatchHead that was fortunate enough to stand inches away from Him. I'm sure it goes without saying what side of the stage he favors. Before i get going, my apologies to anyone behind me. I'm tall, and i forget that when i get caught up in his music! <:^(

what i like the most about seeing him at the 9:30 club is that we (meaning fellow Satch and guitar enthusiasts) get to chat about how little we really know about the guitar, and how we wish we could get to his level. it's koo, b/c after the show, satch would hang around afterwards and make everything seem so simple. he really puts a complex world into perspective, and it's really koo that he makes himself so accessable.

as for the show, i totally got off on Crushing Day and Time Machine, but i was missing the Crystal Planet tunes. he did give us delta-v, and this is another great reason to get so close on him, b/c he told us "You know what's coming" when he was setting down the groove for us. very koo...he's very real, and that makes me admire him more...

look forward to seeing him again this summer!

(Gregory Paige)
Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Dec 11, '02 9:38 pm
You know, it would be really easy for someone unfamiliar with a live Satch show, to read reviews on this site and assume its' attendant's are adoring sheep who approve of anything Joe does. Most of the reviews are gushing recollections of the show they attended, and if he had an off night, no one would dare say so. Well, if that's the case for anyone reading this; let me put that rumor to rest: SATCH CAN"T PLAY........................a bad show. That's all there is to it. He was so good, and so on last night @ the 9:30, that he could could do a show 5% that good and blow 99.9% of all other guitarists off the stage. I cannot fathom even Eddie Van Halen, who I respect, coming close to doing what Satch does on the guitar. I'll let other reviewers go into the set list,etc...I know he started with "Flying......" and ended with "Friends" (I think) everything in between was just pure manna from the Guitar God. We were all blown away and a whole lot of head shaking going on. As in," can you believe this guy?", head shaking. We won after show passes we won on this site. (Thanks !) Joe was very cordial and real. The man talked to everyone thereanswered questions and signed everything put in front of him. Including a check to pay for my guitar lessons! { just kidding : ) } But he did sign my entire Joe Satriani cd collection. I brought the inserts to 12 different cd's, by Satch, and he autographed 'em all. Thanks again, man. He was generous with the advice to us aspiring guitarists as well. Stressing the importance of proper practice. Practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. I could go on and on about Joe's talent and graciousness, but I've said my piece and don't wanna run it into the ground. I'm a fan, no doubt, but nothing I've said is untrue. He's genuine and candid, and you can't help but love and admire a guy with his talent and intelligence. Hey, we even have the same nickname ! I acquired mine from my little league days as a pitcher. Nonetheless, it's tatooed on my arm with an Ibanez guitar, emblazoned in a firey backdrop. It was a beautiful night, start to finish, and I'll always remember it. Before I close I'd like to also thank Joe's manager , Mick, for being such a nice and obviously talented man in his own right.

JoeFanFor18Years Tue Dec 10 '02
9:30 Club
Washington, DC, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Dec 11, '02 6:17 pm

I drove 12 hours round trip through an ice storm to see Satch. And it was well worth the agonizing, white-knuckle drive. I stood just inches from Joe during the show and, although I've been a fan of his for 16 years, he never ceases to amaze me. He was firing on all cylinders, playing such venerable favorites as Time Machine. One reviewer from another show said Joe didn't play anything from Crystal Planet. Joe played Rasberry Jam Delta at the 9:30 show. As far as the rest of the guys, Matt, Jeff, and Galen pounded out a great beat and Matt and Jeff had a great solo. For those who have concerns about Matt, I'd recommend you come to the 9:30 club because Matt's solo set the place on fire.

The show lasted about two hours. Joe played a double neck guitar for one song. During one of his songs, somebody in the audience held up a chrome guitar. "Hey, is that mine?" Joe chuckled. Seeing Joe in a smaller venue is really great compared to the DT tour. Joe was animated and interactive with the crowd.

I taped the show and, once I transfer the show, I will have a complete set list if anyone wants to email me. Hope to see Satch out this summer