show review
Stomping Spuds Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Nov 23, '02 11:14 pm

Very tight as expected. A smaller venue so every spot in the house (Sold out too) was a good spot. I heard a rodie mention that "I Believe" was dropped from the set list. This made for a lyric free show....strange......(pun intended). The supporting act was cool. Joe had great sound, great songs, great sound levels,great crowd interactions by Joe and Good God I was there! (a note to Joe)Guitar Preformers should really opt to sell their pics at the goodie stands this would lower the incidents of crowd members scuba diving around the floor sharking for pics. I know it is not the same as a Joe touched this pic but A Loco local actually jumped the stage fence to snag one off your microphone stand as soon as you left the stage prompting an other wise docile bouncer to muscle menace that fan out of the building. Heck I'd of rather pay 5$ for a pic than a key chain.

We loved you Joe. Boise's radio stations did a poor job promoting your arrival.

JimmieLD42 Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Nov 23, '02 7:06 pm
I wonder if Joe ever had a bad show? It doesn't seem possible. Joe demonstrated once again that he's a true musician with plenty of groove. My mind is mush after trying to comprehend what I just saw him do on the guitar. I do wish he would have sang a few tunes and played harmonica though. The band was fabulous. I really enjoyed the Bass/Drum solo featuring both musicians. The blending of the two was consice and modestly done without any hint of an ego driven mentality. Although they certainly have the qualifications to "show off" for sure, these guys have class! The sound level was almost perfect. I must be getting old, but I appreciate being able to feel the live music, without the pain and suffering that usually comes with concerts these days. Also, I would like the say the fans were great too. Everyone seemed to be very respectful of each other even though the place was literally "packed".

(Peg Moran)
Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Nov 23, '02 4:40 pm
Joe, you are awesome!! What a show! The band was so in-synch together and what a great forum to see them in...up close and personal! Can't wait for your next visit to Boise!

(Te Koi Smith)
Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 6:38 pm

Let me just tell you all that this gig was the best I've ever been to!!!! Not to mention that I was able to bring my JS1000 in and Joe signed it. Crushing Day was a dream come true to see live. After the show while Joe was signing my guitar, a nice young man offered to take a picture of Joe and I together with the signed guitar, and I honestly can't remember if I thanked him or not, seeing that the last part of the night was such a blur. If he reads this, could you please email me as soon as possible so I can properly thank him/you. And those of you that haven't seen the show, you will not be dissappointed in the least!!!!!

Te Koi

ranjack Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 3:05 pm
Dude - Joe had so much fun with Kings X and Dream Theater last summer that he brought them along on this leg to open his shows too...not. Actually, the opener was Ned Evett, inventor of the glass-necked fretless guitar. His album, "Circus Liquor," will be out in January - check out He opened a few shows for Joe in the UK last July too - this is not a bum deal, dude.

vogues1 Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 2:54 pm
I still can't believe Joe was here in Boise. He presence graced the halls of the Big Easy, a nightclub here in town modeled after the House of Blues that seats a modest 1200 people. Joe's warm up was Ned Devet (sic) a kid from Boise traveling with Joe. Ned was incredible on his fretless guitar, but it was hard to contain the anticipation waiting for Joe. Joe opened his set with Flying in a Blue Dream. Better and more fantastic than I could have ever imagined in my wildest fu**ing Dreams! I was in the second row a few feet from God! I'm sorry I don't know the name of all of Joe's material, even though I know most of his music. I do know he played his silver Ibanez most of the time, switched to a white one, back to the silver, a few songs with a wooden finish Ibanez, a double neck (not sure why the double though, he only played one), and then also a wild colored guitar (like splashed paint), switching later again to his favorite silver one. His band was also incredible, with the bassist adding an excellent solo followed by the drummer's solo. Joe played songs from about every one of his albums (I recognized stuff from Dreaming #11, Surfing w/Alien, Crystal Planet, and Flying) and finished with Friends. It was a show that I will easily remember and cherish the rest of my life. Jerry and Lynn, it was nice to meet you. Joe has an incredible happiness about him that certainly makes it seem like he enjoys playing, it shows. If he's coming to a club near you, don't walk, get off your ass and run to the nearest ticket outlet and see this show! It was incredible. Thanks Joe! Boise Loves you and thanks for choosing our city for a tour stop!

(mitch goldman)
Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 11:52 am

does anyone have a setlist from the show?

and what's with the reference to "support act"? I thought these shows were "evening with" shows, i.e. two sets of joe and no openers.

SgtSlugg Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 9:12 am
Great show! Joe, if you are ever in Boise again, (HINT HINT!!!) I will definitely be there! Lots of good songs, and hey, I even caught a pick! Excellent show! Rock on Joe!!

(Rick O'Donnell)
Thu Nov 21 '02
The Big Easy
Boise, ID, US
Rank: Posted: Fri Nov 22, '02 7:48 am
I waited 10 years for this show....and it was worth every minute. The guys rocked our butts off. Thanks guys!!