show review
punkguiitarplyr11 Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jun 22, '03 6:42 pm
IT was an awesome show with Journey, Y and T and Ronnie Montrose, Great show, too many drugs though. But that's not the biggeset of deals. Joe and Journey Jammed at the end and was totally awesome. It was great seeing him play. Infact the lead guitarist of Journey said, "The first time I heard Joe play, I swear I wanted to break his fingers off!" the crowd went totally wild!!

kirkslashpage Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jan 21, '03 10:07 pm
You Rocked man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to see Joe out of the four bands that played that night, and I wasn't disappointed in the end. Joe rocked the house and put on the best performance of the night!!!!!!

(Gregg Daly)
Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jan 09, '03 7:49 am
Although four great guitar players were present that night, Joe, once again, stood out. Awesome show with total energy, get set list. Stole the show!!!

Alias Outlaw
(Tony Martin)
Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Nov 25, '02 9:26 am

WOW!!! This was my first (but no way the last) Joe Satriani concert, WOW what a show. You have gained another fan and I will be at your show every chance I get!! The entire set was rockin, and when Joe jammed at the end as a finale with the other guitar greats, it was unbelievable!! The Led Zeppelin tune was perfect for such a group of talented musicians!! AMAZING music!!! Amazing talent!! Thanks!!!!

By the way did I say WOW???

I also met a super cool couple that was friends of Jeff Campitelli, and they hooked us up with some VIP passes, what a top to a GREAT night!!! Thanks Bridgette!!!!


vogues1 Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: Posted: Thu Nov 21, '02 10:43 pm
I still can't believe Joe was here in Boise. He presence graced the halls of the Big Easy, a nightclub here in town modeled after the House of Blues that seats a modest 1200 people. Joe's warm up was Ned Devet (sic) a kid from Boise traveling with Joe. Ned was incredible on his fretless guitar, but it was hard to contain the anticipation waiting for Joe. Joe opened his set with Flying in a Blue Dream. Better and more fantastic than I could have ever imagined in my wildest fu**ing Dreams! I was in the second row a few feet from God! I'm sorry I don't know the name of all of Joe's material, even though I know most of his music. I do know he played his silver Ibanez most of the time, switched to a white one, back to the silver, a few songs with a wooden finish Ibanez, a double neck (not sure why the double though, he only played one), and then also a wild colored guitar (like splashed paint), switching later again to his favorite silver one. His band was also incredible, with the bassist adding an excellent solo followed by the drummer's solo. Joe played songs from about every one of his albums (I recognized stuff from Dreaming #11, Surfing w/Alien, Crystal Planet, and Flying) and finished with Friends. It was a show that I will easily remember and cherish the rest of my life. Jerry and Lynn, it was nice to meet you. If he's coming to a club near you, don't walk, get off your ass and run to the nearest ticket outlet and see this show! It was incredible. Thanks Joe! Boise Loves you and thanks for choosing our city for a tour stop!

GuitarPlyr_15 Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 05, '02 9:17 pm
YOU ROCKED. The other bands were pretty good. BUT U BLEW THEM AWAY. kevin.

(Marie Louise Francoise)
Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 05, '02 1:07 am
It was my first live Joe concert. Blew me away... Never have I seen anyone play the guitar like that... took my breath away. I am totally smitten. Please take care of yourself Joe... people like you are far too few and inbetween. Kinda makes me wish I worked at my own music harder and longer than I did. You're actual proof of what happens when you stay with it and do it with all your heart. Glad you did too. Course, you must be born to the guitar, you are magic on that stage... the look on your face was enlightenment. Total and complete. Dancing and skipping and bending notes in the air... I saw white light thru your entire set... nothing but exploding white light... the music was out of this world. Wonder that your hands must be full of that musical magic... it must be other worldly for you, especially after a show like that. I'll just bet it is. I love all kinds of music... as long as it's genius. And that you are. Absolutely genius. Thanks for the show. I was ready to go home after you played, for me there was nothing left to see. I must admit, I was really suprised, I had no idea of what a total treat going to that concert was really going to be for me. I didn't realize that anyone of your calibre was still alive and doing their music. Gave me hope that there is still much greatness and beauty in this world, work to be heard and seen. Thank you for your music. I'm a real fan now... sitting on the edge of my seat for anything more you have to put out. Sending you all the best, always. Marie Louise aka: Xantippi

Get a loaf
(Marshall Benson)
Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Nov 03, '02 12:52 pm
And the award for best night ever goes to.... (drum roll please, Jeff) .... THIS NIGHT!!!! All i can say is that i have been enlightened. it was a religious experience. i have converted to satchism. hey joe, we were the ones who were yelling "PLAY 'WHY'" during the first half of your set, just on the off chance that you might have been configured to play it. maybe next time!! we got to come up close during Cool #9, im sure you remember us!!! we were wearing the Black JS sweatshirts like on your album cover. your playing is absolutely (lack of adequate adjective). his set was (in no particular order): flying in a blue dream, crushing day, the crush of love, cool #9, Satch Boogie, Mind Storm, 7-string, starry night, devil's slide, Friends, Summer Song, Always with me, always with you. every song was executed perfectly, and with so much emotion and energy. Jeff C played SO well!! looked like he was having a great time, as always! Crushing Day was an absolute riot, as were devil's slide and mind storm. nice tye-dye red pants!! i also like the tie and leather jacket. nice touch. gotta say joe, you kicked schon, meniketti and montrose's ass. we have been to many concerts and none even come close to matching the engagement and connection you have with the crowd, let alone the amazingly well written and played music. then again, maybe we're just joe-heads :-D Thank you for an incredible night, thank you SO much. see ya next time!! sincerely, your biggest fans (sorry richard) toby and marshall.

(Justin Alarcon)
Sat Nov 02 '02
Chronicle Pavilion
Concord, CA, US
Rank: Posted: Sun Nov 03, '02 12:13 pm
always special