show review
zworykin Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 22, '03 2:56 am

Can't say enough about this show so I won't even try.

I have to admit that I went more for Dream Theater than Satch (though not by much!!) and was blown away in the end by Joe's performance. Even with a piece of dirt or something stuck in my eye through his whole set, it was amazing.

DrewMcFarren Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Thu Feb 06, '03 11:48 pm
Crushing Days! What an amazing live song. The little sit down in between was nice, Starry Night was the highlight. However, it was a short, but sweet gig. It was nice to see Dream Theater, but I think they played far too long.

(Sheila Brocato)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 12, '02 4:23 pm
The show was mind-blowing, mouth-dropping, butterflies-in-the-tummy INCREDIBLE! I was there with my two little girls, Chelsea and Stephanie. Stephanie could not keep her eyes off of Jeff and Chelsea was down in front of the stage for close to 3/4 of your set Joe! she was so stoked when you looked down at her when you were playing! (Mom was too:) The look on their faces and the stories they told the next few days....were all worth it! I can identify with the feeling of "wanting more" every time I leave one of your shows Joe. I needed to be there the other night and I'm so glad that I was able to be there. Your music lifts me up and I can see the effect it has on my children as well, and it makes me smile. Thanks for a great show! We can't wait for G-3 next year! P.S. Chelsea loves your shoes, she wants a pair!

(Greg Davis)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Aug 11, '02 5:17 pm

The show at the Dodge Theater was awsome. Joe was perfect. He played alot of my old favorites and three off the new CD. Matt Bisonette was more than adequate on bass and Joe's energy was amazing.

Kings's X started off the show with about 5 songs. Their extra heavy sound and monster chords are good, if you like that sort of thing.

Dream Theater is like Yes, Genesis, and ELP fed steroids and locked in a cage and tortured until they're really pissed off. My only suggestion would be to shorten their set alittle and let Joe play more.

Thanks Joe, Oxo

(Adam Sobczak)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Aug 11, '02 4:21 pm
Joe, you rocked my world again man!!! Dream Theater, you guys always rock too!!! I thought they both did great sets, but neither used their full 90 minute allotments, which was a bit dissapointing. I was also hoping for an off chance of a satriani/ petrucci jam, but you can't have everything! The only reason i gave this show a 9 is because of King's X. I didn't like them, their sound was pretty bad, and i thought all their stuff sounded the same. Here's my question- Can anyone that either has a better memory than me, or brought a notepad post an exact setlist for the night? Thanks a lot guys, and thanks a lot Joe, you're awesome man!!!

Chromealien Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Aug 11, '02 9:44 am
I thought the Dodge Theatre show was just awesome. The only reason I give it a 9 is because I was way back in the 31st row. Last time I saw Joe was in Des Moines, IA at the Supertoad and I was right in front of him- which was truly awe-inspiring. King's X was tight as hell and from my seat, they sounded great. Tabor's guitar sound was a little muddy but still killer. I have to say, give Joe alot of credit for having a band like Dream Theater open for him. Few acts can follow that band and still stand out. DT is phenomenal and Petrucci is without a doubt one of the top 10 guitarists in the world. Satch, of course, was brilliant again. He could break a string and fall off the stage and it would sound cool. He has the ultimate combination of chops, feel and finesse of any guitarist ever. He always has a great time doing it too. The only negative is, he has such an incredible amount of material- you'll always leave going, "Damn, I wish he would've played THAT one." After the show, we hung out by the busses and met most of Dream Theater and Joe came out later and was very friendly and down to earth. He signed for everyone and proved that he is, truly, not of this earth.

(brian koker)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Aug 10, '02 11:25 pm
First of all I would have to say this was one of the best Joe shows I've seen. The song selection was awesome, the mix was awesome, & the band was awesome (although it sure would be great to see Joe with Stu & Jonathan again). I was really glad to see Joe & Dream Theater got together for this tour. It's not to often you get two great bands co-headlining a tour. Dream Theater & Joe being two of my favorite acts made this show that much more special. KIngs X is a good band as well, although there sound was a little muddy. Overall one of the best shows I've seen in a LONG time. I'm definetly looking forward to seeing Joe again.

nicole1 Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Aug 10, '02 9:11 pm
your the best joe!!!

rowdyron in AZ Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 10:05 pm
First of all, . . . Joe & crew were fabulous. King's X kicked ass, but Dream Theater was on for waaaaaaaay too long! King's X should have been the only opener. Seems as though quite a few folks came only to hear Dream Theater. Saw quite a few people leave for good after their set. Such a pity. Dream Theater is extremely talented, but I question their entry in the line up, and especially the length of their set. Never mind all the nitpicking. I did get goosebumps while Joe was playing!!

glenn_pet Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 6:43 pm

Overall a great show by Joe.

Kings X - sound quality was very poor, muddy and too loud in a bad way.

Dream Theater - Never saw them before, pretty good.

Joe - Very well done, I wish it had been longer, as in shorten the openers and lengthen Joe's set.

I was up front and on Joe's side of the stage so it was great to watch. Not sure how his fingers can stand up to 100 min non-stop fretting like mad!

wingnut007 Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 11:20 am
Joe did a great show in Pheonix!

(James Hoopes)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 10:58 am
The show was wonderful as usual. My highlight of the night was CRUSHING DAY(thanks for playing that Joe!) and also the sit-down portion. This was my fifth satch concert. It's exciting to hear songs I have never heard joe play live before. Next time no opening acts. They make the show too long and take time away from Joe.

(david kolpin)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 3:19 am
STEEL JOE IS STILL KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Matthew Ingerto)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 2:30 am
Out of all the Satch shows I've been to, the sound this time was perfect. The volume was dead on. Joe's setup was cool...crybaby wah, then two DS-1 distortion pedals, next was Fulltone Ultimate octave, then digitech whammy. In the loop was two boss digital delays, then super chorus, then flanger. Nice 7 string! The usual chromeboy...did I see Seymour Duncans up there?? I didn't think Joe really used DiMarzio's...but I could be wrong. The set list was great, and Joe really had fun while he burned up the stage. I never realized he closes his eyes for about ninety percent of the show. Talk about talent. Not only does he play incredibly, but he doesn't evem have to look down at what he's doing! I was in the front row, and I wish I got my hand on a pick! I have to say, Jeff C was really on tonight. He couldn't stop smiling! I wish he had a drum one point I made eye contact and said "DRUM SOLO!!" and he smiled and looked back as if he really wanted to play one. Matt was really awesome on the bass, although I missed Stu's incredible solo. After the show Joe made a quick appearance to sign autographs before getting on the bus The only thing I was a bit dissappointed about was that Joe spent very little time outside with his fans before leaving on the bus. He seemed rushed to get going, but as a huge fan, I really just wanted to talk to him for a few minutes. Believe me, I tried to get aftershow passes. The appearance he did in phoenix at Hooters a few years back was a great idea...but this time it was quick in-quick out. Everybody wants Joe to sign something, but I just want to ask him a few questions about his playing. I am so influenced by his playing, and it really comes out in my own playing. Thanks Joe for your wonderful music.

(Jeff Ritz)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 1:17 am
Excellent show! It was great hearing Joe sing "I Believe" again, I haven't seen him do that one since the last time I saw him at the State Fair (92 or 93?) The new songs rock live, Joe should have picked up a seven string a long time ago. The best part was the aftershow passes though. It's going to be one of those nights I never forget.

(David Bonelli)
Thu Aug 08 '02
Dodge Theatre
Phoenix, AZ, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Fri Aug 09, '02 12:58 pm
I could write about 3894762978462478 words about the show tonight, however I think I'll just keep it short and sweet. To start, Kings X can ROT. Not a fan, I bit too much metal-angst for my taste. Now Dream Theater on the other hand, wow talk about some amazing music. They have gained a new fan as of tonight, for I was never exposed to them before now (aside from Petrucci @ G3 last year). Joe! You rock the hizzouse man! I LOVED midnight, one of my favorite songs to both listen to and play, steller job tonight! The only thing I miss is the intimacy of Celebrity Theatre, however Celebrity has kind of turned into a Shite-hole (pardon my Scottish). I was impressed with Dodge, nice facility... All in all, thanks for an exellent evening Joe! next time around I'm gonna try and get closer to the front, I've been to the last 2 when you were in PHX, and I regret not ever sitting closer to the action. Again, great show, hope the rest of tour goes well.