show review
Matt Martinez
(Plays Ibanez JS guitars)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Apr 02, '03 10:48 pm
The 1st Satch concert I ever saw totally blew me away!! After that I became a total Satch freak. When I first saw Satch,it was like a dream! Throughout the rest of the night,I was loving every note he played.The first song he played:"Flying In A Blue Dream" left me in awe! After that he continued to amaze me with his playing. I think "Crushing Day" was the second or third song he played. That melody stayed in my head and I remembered it so well the next day I picked up my guitar and played that melody over and over! For the longest time I didn't know what that song was called. The new songs he played were great. "Mindstorm" sounded awesome! So did "Starry Night". "One from Surfing With The Alien",as he called "Midnight" sounded pretty cool. It was cool when his strap broke and he just kept on shreddin',True viruteosity is what he displayed that night! "Always..." and "Satch Boogie" were great to hear. Songs like "Ice 9" and "Mystical..." sounded great. Songs I'd never heard like "Devils Slide" and Crushing Day" just blew me away. Beautiful songs!The encore "Friends" sounded great. And to top it all off, I had front row,stage left, where Satch was most of the time! Seeing Satch was like a dream. He definitley looked as if he's "Not Of This Earth"! Joe Satriani is THE definitive guitar god! It's one thing to see a picture,but when someone like Satch is right in front of you tearing it up on Chromeboy,it leaves a lasting impression. Seeing Satch made me want get up there and precede to inspire many the way he does. This night changed my life. I now practice religously on my Ibanez Joe Satriani guitar. SATRIANI IS GOD!!!!!!

(Jeremy Hensley)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Feb 15, '03 5:44 pm
Another awesome show you put on Satch. I'm always amazed when i see you its like seeing you for the first time again. Dream Theater was awesome too. Seeing Petrucci again was awesome. They are an unbelievable band, being able to play toghther the way they do. When Satch came out it felt like it was a dream. After the show ended i got to go hang out with Satch and his band becuase my friend Mark won aftershow

(Jonathan Semarge)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jan 14, '03 6:11 pm
Ten, of course. I don't really see a reason to rate Satch. Unlass I'm rating him against his other shows I've seen. I mean that would be like rating god for religious people. They just don't seem to do it much. The show was awesome. Kings X and Dream Theater were great too. The only thing I thought of was a jam session.

(ryan hinchman)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 09, '02 6:14 pm
it was the best concert ever but dream theater played to damn long

(Mark Ramos)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 18, '02 8:13 am

i had won after show passes and that made the show that much better. I went home and i was so inspired again i practiced for 7 hours and ive been practicing every day like that scince. Dream theater was awesome to. When i got there i had an idea of how awesome it was going to be but i t was even better because of the new music . Well Mr. satriani thank you for the inspiration and the awesome show. ill se you next time. BYE


mazio Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sat Aug 17, '02 10:48 pm
Well, Kings X was ok. I thought their sound was a little thin and distorted. The P.A system was too small. The bass for all 3 bands wasn't clear. But Kings X's last song saved them, I thought. As for Dream Theater, they are all excellent musicians but the only song I recognize is Pull Me Under which they did good, but should have closed with it. Their set started to bore me. I liked John Petrucci better and was more impressed with Portney at the G3 last year in Santa Fe. Joe put on an A+ show except the set was too short. And what's this about venue curfews? That sucks!!!!! Joe guitar was loud and clear but again, the bass was muddy. I was sitting in section 3 just 5 rows back. (I have some pictures I have to develope, then I'll upload them here, hehe) Come on Joe, next time do a evening with Joe Satriani. :^) My reason for the 8 rating is the opening acts,...Joe gets a 10....See you next time around Joe, I'll be there again! Thanks for making it worth the 200 mile trip, again! Here's an idea,..A G2 concert just you and Steve Vai! The 2 masters. And bring Stu next time!

(Mark Madrid)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 9:05 pm
Great show!! This was my third Satriani concert, so I already new what to expect from Joe, nothing but the best. However, after this show I am now a big fan of Kings X and Dream Theater. Kings X cranked out a short set of their progressive, bluesy rock with vocal harmonies that even the Beatles would envy. And what can you say about Dream Theater, 5 of the most talented musicians in the world! I really enjoyed the improvs on a couple of Joe's songs. I did notice the screw up on one of the songs, which I thought that Joe got out of time with the drumer, but it could've been the other way around. Regardless it was a great show and I hope to see all 3 bands back in Albuquerque in the future. Joe keep on surfin'!

(Richard Gutierrez)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 7:26 pm

Joe Satriani is always a pleasure to see and hear live. It's great that an artist like Joe can not only make a living playing but that he can do so and draw as big of a crowd as he did Wednesday night. The man deserves it. It's refreshing to know that REAL musicians are still around and haven't gone away.

King's X was a great surprise. Ty and the gang really played well considering the opening slot. Nice communication between the band members and the audience. Despite the early start, they still went out and played their asses off.

Dream Theatre has a stellar lineup of world class musicians. Stellar. Kudos especially to Mr. Mike Portnoy. He is without doubt one of the greatest drummers in the world, period. His timing was impeccable, and his showmanship just kept drawing me in. I've been lucky enough to see the best drummers on the planet, Mike you are bad, or as my friend would say, "You got it, and there ain't no cure". John Petrucci is an incredible guitarist. Chops and a half for sure, and with John Myung's solid and fluid bass playing, how could these guys miss? Great set.

Mr. Joe Satriani. Legend. I've traveled many, many hours, time and again, to see Joe, and he's never disapointed me. His set flowed so well. His melodies are sublime. Their were so many people in attendence that recognized his songs because he writes such great music. I'm always taken aback when I think about seeing one of the greatest guitarist in the world. Cheers to Joe and his band for inspiring me once again. Keeping the fire going for real and honest music. I feel sometimes as if the whole marketing of music has been a brainwash, a certain fella, is going to play the Pavilion, (with a Pink mess), who has ripped off so many people with his raping of 70's music, and yet he'll probably draw twice as many people as Mr. Satriani did. It should be the other way around. In a perfect world the likes of Vai, Johnson, Satch, ect would be the barometer of popular music. But thank you Joe, you are playing the big venues, and drawing great crowds. Maybe just maybe, the times will be a changing... I'd pay to watch you tune up your guitar man! haha Bless you and to everyone out there, here's at least a setlist of the songs he did play, they're not in the exact order of execution but you'll remember them none the less!


Richard Gutierrez

Joe Satriani August 14th, 2002 Journal Pavilion Albuquerque New Mexico

Opening Act: Kings X and Dream Theatre


Flying in a Blue Dream Ice 9 Satch Boogie The Crush of Love Surfing with the Alien Crushing Day Devil's Slide Cool #9 Midnight Starrey Night Seven String MindStorm The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing Rasberry Jam Delta-V Always With You, Always With Me New Blues Up In the Sky Summer Song

encore: Friends

Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 5:32 pm
holy crap what an awesome show, all three bands, of course joe is still the man!

(Jose Martinez)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 4:57 pm
Well, the review text is on the TTJ section. I'd like to point out to Todd that Jordan Rudess has been the Dream Theater keyboard player for a couple of years now. But the show was amazing, the crowd was amazing... even the car crash after the show was amazing! And yeah, Jeff did screw up Mindstorm! In all, the best show I've ever seen.

(Cody Burden)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Aug 16, '02 9:13 am
I have spent endless hours listening to Joe over the years, but nothing compares to seeing him live! Absolutely Flawless! I have been playing quitar for about 15 years, and to be completely captivated like that was the best. The whole world just melted away while he played. I was totally lost in the experience. To also give credit where credit is due, the band was equally exciting. To play with Joe must really be a gas. Each member of the band is so talented and to play so well with a master like Joe is an ultimate achievement. I won two back stage passes from , which by the way I want to thank all parties involved for making a dream come true. I met Joe and the band during the aftershow and everyone was so polite and friendly. Everyone was exceptional about taking pictures and signing autographs and making conversation. Just taking a little time out of their day to make some fans happy really says alot about everyone. I have been to dozens of concerts over the years but this one was the best show I have ever seen. To actually meet someone that you have looked up to and admired for years is mind blowing but for them to be so cool and down to earth was very uplifting. Always remember the light at the end of the tunnel may be you. My review can be said in two words...... KICK-ASS! Thanks Cody Burden

Stevil Kanevil
(Stephen Bentley)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Aug 15, '02 10:37 pm
Joe made this one a 10...nice improvs on Midnight and Crush of Love ending as well as the all original intro to cool #9...nice...kings x were awesome especially theier last jam that really had a hendrixy heavy blues rock feel to beers were eight bucks those booths must make a killing....

(todd snow)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Aug 15, '02 1:30 am
Today ended with a beautiful strange evening of music. It was a fabulous time had by all. It started off when Kings X took the stage with the crunching heavy blues sounds of Dogman. Ty, Doug and Jerry were at there best kicking out the jamming night with Over my Head and an unforgetable rendition of Its love just to mention a few. Dream Theater came on with a thunderous opening rendition of Pull Me Under that blew everyone away. The band were as tight as ever and I am a big fan after seeing them live. Petrucci was wailing away, James Labries vocals were crisp,Kevin Moore was dueling solos on keyboard along Petrucci and Mike Portnoy pounded the drums. Then Satch came on and his sound was as clear as a bell. His band were top notch! They played a good range of songs spanning his career with an almost perfect sound being able to distinguish all the different bass, drum,guitar parts. My favorites were Midnight,Cool #9,Summer Song and of course Satch Boogie. His new songs sounded excellent as well with Starry Night and Mindstorm. I just wish he played a tad bit longer.Satch was everything you would expect Satch to be. A Virtuoso Genius. All in all it was a great night!

(Reuben Jim)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Thu Aug 15, '02 12:35 pm
WOW!!!! What an amazing show. This was the third time I had seen Joe Satriani and it was just as good as I expected. I had only heard a little bit of King's X work before I saw them onstage but boy did they surpass my expectations. Before the show, I wondered why they were chosen to open up for Dream THeater and Joe Satriani but after seeing them, I realized what talented musicians they were. Admittedly I didn't know any of their songs but by the end of the show they had most of the crowd on it's feet cheering. After about a 30 minute set change, Dream THeatercame onstage and totaly ripped. THey are all great musicians and John Petrucci totally ripped it up. I saw him last year on the G3 Tour in Santa Fe and was again impressed by his skill at the Pavilion. I wish Mike Portinoy did a Drum Solo but that's okay because the best act of the night was still to come. As soon as the lights died, I was on my feet yelling at the top of my lungs. Joe came onstage and I think we all knew the glowing blue lights meant that we'd be "Flying in a Blue Dream". Every song he did was excellent but one of the highlights of the show, for me anyway, was when he tapped out "Midnight" under a single spotlight with his signature Chromeboy guitar. THe stuff from the new album "Starry Night" and "Mindstorm" were freakin' incredible. Of course one can't forget the fan favorites like "Satch Boogie" and "Summer Song". "Always with me, Always With You" was also a killer tune even though it sounded a bit out of tune (Maybe that was just me though). I can't remember the whole setlist or the order but he also played "Crushing Day", "Cool #9", "Time", "Devil's Slide","THe Crush of Love", "Rasberry Jam Delta-V" and did "Friends" as an encore. Oh yeah, loved the old-school jeans. LOL. I just wish he could've played longer but those stupid venue curfues put an end to that right quick. Needless to say, the night was amazing and I hope to see him ripping it up onstage again here in Albuquerque on the next tour. I'll definitely be there.

(Jeff CdeBaca)
Wed Aug 14 '02
Journal Pavilion
Albuquerque, NM, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Aug 15, '02 12:16 pm
Kings X rocked a short set, I wasn't in to Dream Theater but John really knows how to play! He really had some great solos. Joe put them all in thier place. Know one can beat Joe. He just has such a great stage presence, and I've never heard him play so fantastic. We miss Stu. He is such a big part of Joe's songs that no one can take his place. Did anyone catch Jeff mess up on Mind Storm? Great Show for Joe. The Crowd was going crazy by the end. Joe Rocks!!!