show review
(Tony del Busto)
Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Aug 23, '02 10:16 pm

Great show but one song I was hoping to be played but was not: The Traveller (Strange Beautiful Music), in my opinion, one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Having said that, Joe displayed his unsurpassed artistic ability and has raised the bar once again. Good luck on the remainder of the tour. p.s. Galen Hansen- Lubbock is rooting for you (MHS Class of 1985).

Tony del-Busto

Texasguitarplayer Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Aug 23, '02 6:25 am
As he has done in the past, Joe put on a fantastic live performance. One of the things I respect the most not only as a guitar player and fan is his ability to play his music nearly note for note just as it was recorded. He truly is an asset to guitarist of our time, these days there are not many performers that are even worthy of listening too! Great Job Joe!!

(Chase Mitchell)
Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Tue Aug 20, '02 11:22 pm
Joe... you are truly the man. I drove all the way from Gulfport, MS to see this setup. It was a looooong 7 hour drive, but definitely well worth the trip. I've never heard King's X before until about a week ago, and I'll say that they are a great band and cool people. Dont take offense to this now Joe... but Dream Theater is my all time favorite band, and I love their style, their perfection, and their attitude on the stage. Joe stole the show though. The sound on the other 2 bands was a little messed up. But Joe's incredible skills blew me away again. Last year I drove 13 hours to Clearwater, FL to see G3. (Another trip I was glad I made). I will make every trip I possibly can to see Joe and DT. I gave it a 9 only because of the sound difficulties, other than that... excellent. Keep it up Joe.

Roxy1 Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 19, '02 11:57 pm
Totally brilliant and unbelievable performance by Satch, the undisputed King of Rock Fusion and in my mind the #1 touring rock guitarist in the world. The band was tight, focused, the set-list (for me) was perfect, and Joe was totally “dialed in” for this sold-out show. This was my forth time to see Joe, twice in the front row-stage left, including last night. In my 33 years of doing the concert scene (and I have seen them all including Jimi Hendrix), there is no guitarist alive today that can channel pure emotions and musical expression though a set of guitar strings like Joe Satriani. In the days of no talent, over processed, over hyped performers, it’s great to hear a musician that can let his guitar do all the talking and marketing!..........................................PS: I noted a number of comments about concert sound problems, both last night and at other shows. The sound upfront last night was perfect. However when I saw Joe last year, in this same venue sitting about 20 rows back, there were the same sound problems noted by current reviewers. Many of the major rock performers I have seen in the last several years, only experience sound problems when they play in smaller in-door venues. I have never experienced any sound problems sitting up close, it is always sitting 20 rows or more back. It’s a problem of too much equipment, road crews setting up every venue the same, too many signal paths, and "amateurs on soundboards with a zillion knobs", for the size of the venue. SOUND ENGINEERS – WAKE THE F…. UP and leave some of that gear in the trucks when you hit these small venues!!!

(Larry Stehling)
Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 19, '02 8:54 pm

WOW... unbelievable show. I went there to see Joe and I didn't care how good the sound was just to listen, watch and be in awe of his talent. I've been a fan for 14 years and this was my first chance to see him live. I was not disappointed. My favorite Joe song is "Always with Me, Always with You" and it really touched my heart. I discovered that song during a very difficult time in my life and the way Joe makes the guitar talk and show emotion in that song really hit a tone with me at that time. To hear it live made me well up with tears. I loved Midnight, Friends, Satch Boogie, Cool #9 and Summer Song! Joe's on a level of no peers!!! Truly amazing.

I had a Dream Theater CD from years past. Really liked their energy! Songs seemed to go on forever but that is the style. John and Mike were unbelievable! John ripping the frets in his own way.

It was the first time I had seen King's X but I liked a few of their songs from years past. With the guys having roots in the Houston area it always does my heart good to see local guys do well... even if they are originally from the Jackson area. Ty's son is friends with my son's college room mate. The room mate got backstage passes but we still got to meet Ty and Doug at the busses. By the way... the film crew that Joe mentioned while he was cooling down before midnight was really the college room mate with his digital camera and Ty Tabor from King's X... they were sitting on the floor in the pit area. Too funny!!! My son, a aspiring guitar player, ended up with an autographed guitar pick from Ty and on from Joe. Both are framed with his ticket stub.

Thanks Joe for a very memorable evening!!!!

death star Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 19, '02 2:21 pm
too awesome for words!!! joe was so right on. did an encore, played friends. kings x, and dream theater were bad ass also, but no one can hold a candle to joe. this is the best concert i have ever seen him give. all i can say is that i hope he comes back again!!! like real soon.

(Adrian Gonzalez)
Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 7 Posted: Mon Aug 19, '02 8:49 am

Don't let the 7 on the score board get you too down. Joe's performance was great. But the concert and the ticket are a package deal. King's X is a good band with a ton of energy, but I question their addition to the lineup. Dream Theater put on a great show, but the length of their set is a big deal. We may have been better off with just DM and Joe. By the time Joe took the stage it was 10:30pm. A long wait to get to the best part of the show.

If you've read other setlists, then you know that sound quality has been an issue. Unfortunately, last night was not any different. It may be due the fact Joe's mixed in with some different music types. I can't say it was the venue, because other Satch shows in the same venue have been perfect. A heavy bass drone was layered over every song. Joe's guitar was clear for some notes, not so clear for others. Which is a shame, because Joe's performance was great.

Joe's setlist was a little more on the heavier side, probably due to the accompanying acts. Crushing Day was great to hear. Satch Boogie was absolutely the best of the night. While Joe played well during songs like, Raspberry Jam and Cool #9, the monitor took a great deal away from it. Other songs - Flying in a Blue Dream, Always WYAWM, Midnight (very cool), Summer Song, and Friends. Seemingly, before you knew it, Joe was done with his set list. Hovering around 14 songs. 11:45pm and Joe's done.

For $70, I want what we all want - Joe for a couple of hours and good sound. It's been a while since we've seen that. But even then, Joe's still worth it.

Beach Bum
(Laureen Falco)
Sun Aug 18 '02
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Houston, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Aug 19, '02 6:14 am
Only one thing to say about the Houston concert - Joe didn't play long enough. Kings X- rocks - I'm certainly impressed by the lead guitarist - wow. This was the first time for me to see Dream Theatre - impressive band, impressive musicians - but not 100% my style. They were on stage entirely too long. Then finally, Joe came on. Wow - the energy and the pure love of what he is doing, blew me away. I was waiting for so many other songs for him to play, and when he said "thank you", and the band went off the stage, my heart just stopped. This was it??? So, he came back on and played 2 more. He is an unbelievable artist -that deserves so much more. Next time Joe, Play for 3 hours - then we might, just might - walk away satisfied.