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Splendy Fri Jul 20 '18
Castello Visconteo
Pavia, , IT
Rank: 1 Posted: Tue Jul 24, '18 6:10 am
I'm really sorry to make this bad review but I must denounce the extreme BAD disorganization of this show. this is NOT Joe or his stuff's fault at all, but it's totally the IRIDE FRASCHINI FESTIVAL PROMOTER's fault. after declaring some days before the venue that the show was confirmed in case of stormy weather too, it was suspeded after 4 songs as soon as rain came down. the stage wasn't fitted for rain or storm at all, and the show was canceled. we, public of Pavia, are ALL upset and really fourius with the promoter, because they didn't foresee any money refund but they allowed us to entry the Padova show on 22th July as refund. most of us couldn't go to that show, due to the great and expensive distance, and also because we weren't guaranteed that seat sectors were the same of the ticket buyed for Pavia. we are thinking of proceed with legal action, because we ALL have been cheated. we want that you all know about the matter and consider all this while arranging other venues in Italy (if there'll be some more in the future....) thanks for attention! THIS REVIEW IS FROM THE WHOLE PUBLIC IN PAVIA ON 20TH JULY!!!