show review
jelly man
(Paul Huxley)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 21, '04 6:11 pm

Yeah yeah, predictable one-o. But it was great.

I was standing front centre. When the guitarists were standing as far forward as they go, they were about 2 metres away, with Joe being a little bit further away. The sound where we were started off with too much bass, but it got lowered after a few songs and Joe could then properly be heard (although the bass was still a bit too high, it was a local effect only, since we were right in front of Matt's wall of sound.

Having queued up since 2.15, at 8pm Joe walked on stage wearing cool red, yellow and possibly some other colours jeansy type trousers and a denim jacket. He announced that his friend with a weird guitar, Ned Evett was gonna play a bit of music. Which he did, i think it was 4 songs and an instrumental- they were pretty amazing technically, but all sounded pretty similar in style. Very cool though- he used a little pedal to repeat a groove that he laid down in order to solo.

So once he was done, the stage was being prepared by the roadies, when a bit of a curtain opened backstage and joe's head popped out for 5 seconds or so before hiding. Then over the other side, Jeff did exactly the same.... talk about building suspense.

Then the gig started. Joe played Flying In a Blue Dream, then Crushing Day, Devil's Slide, Cool No 9 (with Hill Groove intro, including the main tune, unlike the amsterdam webcast one).

I won't go through the songs, but I'll now name the bits of particular interest- it was a nonstop set, no breaks other than the songs in which individuals weren't playing.

Joe played his 7 string prototype guitar for Mind Storm then seven string. It looked really nice but he seemed to go out of tune harshly in comparison to the bass when he was playing higher up on the neck (and strings). That really was the only poor thing about the gig. [edit: i now understand this probably to be purely my perception... i was centreish front without earplugs and through a phenomena of hearing, after hearing loud noises for a while, your pitch sense goes a bit funny... i think this is all that happened]

Half way through, Satch sat down, played headless horseman and Midnight very well and the band really got good after this (I mean REALLY GOOD) Starry Night was excellent, Why was Phenomenal and Joe did a far better performance of Always.... than he did on LISF. The band really started rocking out with a top quality drum and bass duet which left my drummer friend amazed, and then Raspberry Jam was great. I've never really had a thing for Surfing With The Alien before but I couldnt help but headbang and make wah wah wah shapes with my mouth- Joe seeed to enjoy this and waved and looked at me a few times :) which made my day. Matt and Galen also said a metaphorical hello one or two times.

Oh yeah- Intro to Summer Song started out with Engines Of Creation's intro (the song) and I was sooooooooo hoping that was gonna be an unexpected never done before song but it turned into summer song- engines of creation probably is my all time favourite satch song.

I couldn't get any merchandise or wait around for satch which i was really sad about since i had to run to victoria station in order to get the train home- that jorney is about 6 miles.

Joe- please come to London soon. I know you always say about coming back soon but just one date next year, give us a little bit more than one london gig in two years.... please...

A comment about the other reviews- no atmosphere- I don't know where you were in the room but the atmosphere was great at the very front ;)

(Paul Ditch)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Feb 21, '03 9:43 am
The first satch gig ive been to, and it was absoluteley amazing. I still cant believe his range of technical skill and emotive powerful playing. "Friends" was my favourite performance, just cause I love that song, but starry night was awesome. The acoustic break with headless horseman was cool and i didnt expect to hear it! Thanks for putting on the best gig ive been to. Paul Ditch

rosswalter Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Jan 08, '03 2:22 am
I was lucky enough to see Joe (and his band) at this gig in London, which was a great thrill for me. It was a fantastic show - full of energy and everyone enjoyed it! The only criticism I have (and I hope Joe and the band reads this) is that for several songs, Joe and the band sat down in chairs on stage, which was a pity as only those people in the front row could see them. I think everyone would have preferred to see them and jumping around which they do! Anyone who is a fan should go to a gig - they won't be disappointed! Keep the great music coming guys!

Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 8 Posted: Sun Dec 22, '02 5:05 pm
evrything was RELI RELI ERLI RELI cool!!!! but, 1. the backup player and all that glass guitar stuff was a bit wierd and uncomprehendable, i appreciated what he did and his skill but the common fweeling was it just wasnt enjoyable and... ive seen satch there b4 and the lighting was reli reli reli good but wasnt very good this time, over all a good show!

Redatriani Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Oct 21, '02 10:12 am
Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhho!!!! What can i say it was amazing. I havent rocked my head so much in my life! Why cant you just live in London and play there every weekend, and during the week you could tutor my band? :-) No seriously that must have been the best show ive ever seen (and ive seen alot of shows, believe me!) I was the boy constantly rocking my head on the second pier, i must have stood out cos everyone else up there seemed...well...BORED!! At the end ,dont know if you noticed, when everyone stood up and clapped i was bowing down to you. Thanks for making my last day of the school year one i will remember for the rest of my life. Thanks again Joe, Andrew

(Daniel Lumsden)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Oct 18, '02 3:45 am
SUPERB. It was my third JS concert and i loved it! Joe threw his pick into the crowd and it hit my hand! Please come round again soon, Joe....

Tatty05 Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Sep 21, '02 11:19 pm
Joe Satriani's performance was amazing and the setlist he played was the best I've heard so far. This to me would have beaten the Engines of Creation Tour back in 2000, The only reason I am marking it 9 is because it took us 4 and a half hours to get there (Stupid Tubes) and we could of got a better place (Nothing Joe could do of course it's just the sound where we were was'nt the best). Then to top it all off we had to leave after Surfing with the alien so we missed a couple of tracks and the STUPID underground was'nt working so we missed the last train and had to sleep outside London Liverpool Street. But I would do it all over again to see that performance the crowd were buzzing and the atmosphere was electric. To those who are still to see him your in for a treat and you might even hear Joe sing as he played I believe anyway Joe satriani 10 the tube strike 0 (see you again soon Joe I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

(Girish C)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Sep 13, '02 3:48 am

Better late than never! Im from India and happened to be in London at the time. Being in India, one can only dream of watching Satch live. Definitely a dream come true for me!

Brilliant performance! A very very special evening. Thank you Joe! I agree with some of the other postings on this site that London does deserve 2 shows from Joe (call me greedy but you can never have too much of a good thing!) Can someone send me a list of all the songs Joe played that night? Appreciate it.


P.S Any chance of a show in India any time in the future, Joe?

Fretboard Lighter
(Chris Jones)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Sep 08, '02 3:11 am
WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was just the coolest show I've ever been to. All the best stuff. Crushing Day, nine tracks from SBM and five other tracks from Surfing. Midnight aswell. Matt was just so cool. I also won a T-shirt! And that Surfing with the Alien T-shirt I bought aswell. It was a much better show than last time. There was just more bass and the set list was chosen better. One comment. Why does Joe never play stuff from Time Machine? Imagine next time...................Time Machine, Speed of light, Dreaming #11, Thinking of you. That would rip. I hope Joe makes a live album soon. All three Satch shows that I've been to so far have got a number 10 rating. See yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King Ibanez Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 25, '02 6:51 am
This was the first time I saw Mr. Joe Satriani live in concert. I can't describe my feelings. I don't have words to appreciate his talent but all I could say is that, he is not of this world.

Willnc Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Aug 24, '02 11:55 am

What can I say. The atmosphere was great. The crowd were great support for Joe and I'd like to think he felt the same way. Joe chose to play some classics such as crushing day and midnight which was cool. The mixing of the bass and drum solos was really cool by the way. Joe performed really well to the crowd. As it is so easy to perform and not involve the crowd i think Joe made a great effort to keep everyone involved with his usual playing of notes which the crowd had to follow. However the concert was not perfect for the following reasons.

Joe kept the crowd waiting to long. By the time he actually arrived people just felt like sitting. The support was really talented but just wasn't in the right place to be appreciated because the crowd were already annoyed at having to wait so long. So if the support guy reads this. Dont worry if u heard boo's. People were just annoyed at having to wait really long. As you probably figured. AND the major annoyance was that Joe had a huge tendancy to stick to the right hand side of the stage. Which was incredibly harsh on the people on the left who were small. Thankfully im tall.

That aside I think the concert was amazing and the crowd ruled which made for a great night. Thanks a lot to Joe and the guys. Hope you come back to london soon!!!

P.S Whoever has taken Joe's guitar you are a complete a***hole and you should damn well give it back. Joe takes the time to do a cool gig for u and all u can do in return is a nick a guitar for yourself. Its pathetic.

Sadly this isn't a perfect world and I dont think Joe offering a $500 reward will suffice considering the guitars value. Apologies for the fact that this isn't part of a review but anyhow.....


anibur Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 31, '02 1:20 pm

WOW, everything was brilliant Joe. I believe, crushing day, midnight, surfing, your pants ;-) . You gave me a brilliant smile ( complete with beard !) at the stage door beforehand. This show has me smiling today, & for the rest of the year. would like to give it 20 out of 10.............Good to hear the new songs from SBM too

My 8th Satch Concert & still counting.........

(Richard Gordon)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 24, '02 2:44 pm

Hey guys, a rather disappointed fan here, on account of the fact that I came 400 miles to see Satch, and considering my group of travellers had to get the 1140 train back home, we had to leave the concert 45 mins early because of the god forsakened tube strike. Still, 100% flabberghasted, totally wrong in my predictions of the first song, I was expecting something on the lines of Time, like in his last tour, but was having orgasms just the same with Flying in a Blue Dream, although had to leave in the midddle of mountain song, so I didn't get to hear any of his Crystal Planet works, or his classics like Surfing or Satch Boogie. Still, I was impressed with the double neck and the 7 string, and would appreciate it if; someone could tell me his set list after mountain song, and if he'd like to come to Glasgow or Edinburgh in his next tour, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeasees.

Anyway, loved the outfit Joe. Be Shibby.

(Jay Hulse)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 24, '02 5:01 am
For me the most ultimate event ever! Hearing, seeing the songs played, the expression and feel put into the music by the whole band was amazing. I could not believe it when I heard the beginning to Crushing day and Why, never thought they could be played live, but they where and perfectly (whose the man). I’ve loved Joes music for over a decade and to finally have the chance to see him live was super cool. Thank you again for a very memorable evening and hope to see you in NZ again one day. Later Jay

janickgers Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 23, '02 5:16 pm
can i just tell all you satch fans out there readin this, but this was my first gig of joe's and let me assure you, he is just simply out of this world. I am a satch 'virgin' but this gig has got to be one of his finest. as soon as he walked onto the stage the place literally lat up. he is a master with his 'silver surfer' guitar. If there is anyone better with a guitar out there all i can say is good luck, cos you can't beat joe

Wigi Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 1 Posted: Tue Jul 23, '02 12:50 pm
Just read all these reviews and they sound just as I thought - Fantastic. Further down the list here the guy is right - one night in London ain't enough, Satch you are a big boy now, time for payback please i.e. more night's in London for these loyal fans. Don't go spreading yourself to thin now will you. Watch out we are a fickle bunch.

Flying in a Stu Dream
(Jeremy Neale)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 23, '02 7:57 am
This was the first time I had seen Satch live. It was possibly one of the best gigs I have ever been to. Joe started with Flying in a Blue Dream, played many of my favourites, including Midnight, an oldie, and Mindstorm, from his latest album. I had read that at other gigs on the tour that Mindstorm had been played badly, but it was just perfect that night. Matt Bissonette the new bassist was pretty awesome, but he's no Stu Hamm (STUUUUUUUU!!!). Jeff Campitelli is still one of my favourite drummers, he's so cool. Joe had some cool Ibanez guitars on show, including a 7-string, and a double neck, with all the strings tuned to E "It makes it easier!". To top it all off, I caught one of Joe's picks. One incredible night. I can't wait for the next gig. SATCH RULES!

MrAnonimouse Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 22, '02 12:12 pm

The first Satriani gig I have been to and it was amazing. At first me and my bass playing friend were dissapointed to not see Stu Hamm there and not really knowing who matt was but he proved himself. Jeff was amazing. The only thing wrong with the night was that I never got a pick or drumstick. I really wanted to walk out that night with a Chrome Boy...

Please play more gigs in the UK and prefrebly in the South more i.e Southampton

NickWood Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Jul 21, '02 6:14 pm
This was the first time I had seen Satriani live, after only discovering Joe's music in late 2001. The concert was awesome, and was all I had hoped Joe's live performance would be. They played a good mixture of old/new songs, and "Mind Storm" from the new album sounded fantastic. If I had any problems with the gig on the whole, it was nothing to do with Joe and the guys, and more to do with the venue/day. I travelled for 4 hours to get there, as a result of the London tube strike I had to walk miles..and I thought the standing ticket holders in the venue got a raw deal as it's a fairly low stage...and if you were at the back, it was hard to see anything unless you were over 6ft tall. I had to leave before the last track too, in order to ensure I got a taxi and got back to the station in time for the train, again due to the tube strike. On the whole, the performance was fantastic...

(Joe Carter-Humphreys)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sun Jul 21, '02 1:26 pm
A most excellent gig! The Empire rocked that night, with oldies but goodies, some really old stuff and the new songs! It made my week!

(Trev Stewart)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jul 21, '02 6:49 am
Tube strike 0/10 Ticketmaster failing to post tickets, then unable to find replacement tickets at the box office -5/10 Playing 'Crushing Day' as the 2nd song 100/10 Overall gig rating (using the spinal tap system) 11/10

(David Richmond)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jul 21, '02 5:00 am

Just amazing once again!

I loved the old stuff, never heard or seen it played live before, it was a real treat to watch!

(David Wren)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 1 Posted: Sun Jul 21, '02 4:21 am
what can i say apart from Thank You Joe Satriani, the 2 year wait was finely over after seeing joe in 2000 at manchester i was hookt and for 2 years i listend to nothing else but joe, and after the show what else better than to get my flyer and ticket signd but the man him self, and during the gig he pointed at me seeing me with my sunnis on and agin after the show he said to me i have some cool sunnis, and when i told him that i was going to all 3 uk gigs he was like yer cool guys, it was amazing, Joe is the best guitarist on this planet or any other planet, THANK YOU Joe Satriani, Dave

(Keith Murphy)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 2:28 pm
I would have ranked it 10/10 but i couldn't make the show due to the tube strike.Did anybody else wait 2hrs to catch a bus??????Oh well maybe next time!

chikkarisaru Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 11:59 am
Unbelievable. Thank you for a perfect evening. My first Satriani gig but by no means the last if I have my way! The only thing that sucked was the crowd. Did they not realised WHO was on stage? Come on people, Joe Satriani and my god was it a magnificent concert. I was aching so bad from all the dancin! But I must have been one of about 4 people in the entire standing section. I thought that was really lame. Show some support. Joe was amazing, truly on top form and he did not get the recognition he deserved so much. What can I say Joe? I know for a fact that everyone in that room must have enjoyed the gig. Who couldn't? Some of us Brits just have a funny way of showing it. Well done Joe. Thank you so so very much for a night I will never forget. You were truly outstanding.

(paul steere)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 11:51 am

I'll be quick - the show was awesome! It was the first time I'd seen Joe in the flesh and when he came out on stage it just seemed so surreal - Joe Satriani, the guy whose picture is stuck up on my wall, who I listen to on my stereo, and watch on my video THERE just a few feet away. Opening with 'Flying in a Blue Dream' Joe played a storming set, playing songs both old and new. New songs like Mindstorm sounded great, and old classics (Crushing Day!!!) sounded just as fresh and exciting. There was a nice part of the set where Joe and the band got out some seats and sat down to play several songs including Starry Night and Midnight (which was particularly great!).

A mention should go to Mr. Satriani to the flaming trousers (or 'pants' to you American guys and gals) they were exceptionally 'Rock and Roll'!

Anyway, as I was saying every song sounded great. Joe played flawlessly (suprise suprise) and there was a cool part of the show where he played 'call and responce' with the audience - playing a lick and getting the crowd to sing it back to him. It was definately one of the best shows I've ever been to (although compared to the Slayer show I saw 2 days before it was a bit different!) Well, finally he finished the set with Friends....aaaaahh......and then I caught a pick......and it gets better....when the show had finished we (my friends) decided to stick around after the show. After waiting for about an hour, and watching the crew take out the gear and stuff, out came Joe. Not only did I get my Satch picture signed, I got a photo of him with me and a chance to speak to the legend himself (thanks Joe!) - he is THE coolest guy! There you have it - it just goes to show that any normal fan can meet their God! To all the people that read this, meeting Joe is much easier than you think, he totally respects his fans and signed gave everyone an opportunity to talk to him. Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!1

(David Garvie)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 10:11 am
Fantastic, Joe is God!!, classics like midnight, i believe and surfing with the alien where amazing and the new stuff like mindstorm, new last jam and cords of life were unreal! what a performance, sheer class, the place was electric.

(Salman Haque)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 6:49 am
Amazing concert! The only thing that disappointed me was that the stage wasnt high enough so people at the back couldnt really see what was happening on stage. There also happened to be a massive tube strike that day which really screwed things up.

bluespower Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 2:40 am
Shepherds Bush Empire Thursday night......that was a fantastic gig, of course...nothing less than we expected. The audience rocked. Joe looked great in his red trousers!.....first act was a bit strange, but good (cant remember his name..) Joe started predictably(but good) with Flying, then proceed with a medley of old & new songs....high spot was Joe sitting down with his chrome boy doing accoustic style songs:midnight, headless horseman, WONDERFUL version of I Believe......Stary Night, Awesome.......all the new songs were very welcome...Belly Dancer, A few Chords of Life thrown in with Cool#9, New Last Jam on double neck guitar..that was great, Seven String...all tthe new numbers are quickly becoming my faves. Couldn't wait round the back to meet Joe this time, but the encore was great with Friends leading into riffs from"With a little help from my friends...." All in all, great concert....just left me feeling I want more & more.Please Joe, can have a concert once a week?;) Only gave it 9 because I would have prefered more from Engines & SBM......but that's just a personal opinion.....great show, thankyou Joe for transporting us to heaven once again!!!! Hope to see you again before two years.

(Aarren Mowle)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 2:06 am
OH MY GOD WHAT A GIG!!!!!!!! Satch was unreal!!! A complete master of his craft!!!All of the old favs - Surfin, Boogie, Always, Etc etc. The new ones are classics already.....a must play at future gigs. The only bad point was nothing to do with Joe or his band. It was to do with the FU***NG WA***R of a security guard who took my camera off me claiming that no digital ones were allowed. When I asked him where it states 'no digital cameras' he told me to check my ticket. Anyone who still has a ticket from the show, check it and show me where it mentions digital cameras 'cos it doesn't. And to add insult to injury there were quite a few others around me with digital cameras and I was the only one who got it took off me. When I went to get it back I asked why digital cameras were not allowed and he said that you can put the pictures onto a computer and alter them. But anyone with half a brain knows that you can do that with normal pictures and a scanner!!!! Then he said that only disposable cameras were allowed but could only see ONE person with a disposable so how come almost everyone elses cameras weren't taken off them?!?!? Personally, whoever makes the rules for SHOWSEC (the security company for the night) hasn't got a clue and should be sacked!!!!

richo Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 11:11 pm
Joe what a guy hey mate you played a blinding set, it took me 4 hours to get there due to motorway madness but it was worth it. Ned Evet very different and unusual. Anyway back to Joe the master enters the stage a roar go's up satch and the chromeboy come togther my favourite track starts to play flying in a blue dream from here on the place was rocking Crushing Day, Devil's Slide,Cool 9. Guitar change Joe shows off his seven string looks realy nice but it sounds even better Mind Storm blows me away, Joe was so cool and calm and in control as ever. time to sit down and listen to some old favourites Headless Horseman & Midnight, Starry Night IT WAS GREAT TO HERE YOU SING jOE DO IT MORE OFTEN, I Believe was first class, bit nervous to start but he soon settled down great stuff. More suprises installed the Snake came out to play and a beautiful double neck guitar all in all a great night. JOE YOU ARE THE MASTER YOUR LOVE OF MUSIC FLOWS FROM YOU, YOU PUT SO MUCH FEELING INTO YOU MUSIC IT REACHES EVERYONE THANKS FOR A GREAT NIGHT, SEE YOU TOMORROW IN BRUM.........Richo

guitar man dan
(Dan Henwood)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 9:18 am
I went last night with a mate of mine, it was both our first satriani gig and it was nothing short of amazing, just what I was expecting, Cool but wierd support guy, I thought the crowd gave him a hard time, but he was good, but you can't blame them, most people were about to blow up waiting too see the man himself, satriani. Good start and thats the way it stayed, but me and my mate had 2 leave after surfing with alien (what a way of ending the day), we prevoisly said we would be complete if he played that, and he did!. The crowd were good and a great atmos i thought, i had a good place about 3 people back and nearly got a pick!! it was fantastic I hope everyone else thought so. Thanks a lot Joe, it was great i'm just sorry I had to leave early, but hey it was brill!, can't wait to see you again, cheers!.

daveismad Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 8:53 am

The first satriani gig I have ever been to. Satriani was amazing. The crowd was rubbish. There was no atmoshpere. I was tring so hard to get myself and everyone else motivated, but it felt like the only one.


Satriani rocked.

eyesy Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 6:39 am
OK, went to the gig last night. The day didn't start off well since the damn London Underground went on strike yesterday of all days, so it took over 2 hours of travelling on buses and walking what would take 35 minutes on the train, so we didn't get to the front of the stage unfortunately. The actual gig was absolutely great although the sound was not as good as last years gig... this time the sound was a bit muffled. It was nice to see Joe playing more of his old tunes (including Crushing Day of course!) even though I personally prefer his post-Extremist albums (I was sad to see not one song from the red album and also missed Time). There was an absolutely fantastic jam between him and Matt at the end of Crush Of Love and Joe actually interacted a bit more with the crowd this time than last year, which was great. AND after the show I managed to wait around to meet him and the rest of the band, got an autographed ticket and got soem photos with the band ... this made the whole night brilliant. Although it took another 3 hours to get home on night buses (and I live in London!). Still a great night and a great gig! Keep going Satch, as long as you're touring, I'll be watching and listening!

(Luke Rake)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 6:09 am

The last time I saw Joe was in the NEC Arena in Birmingham UK in about 1996/7, and that gig was a very flat affair for me, due in the large part to the soulless nature of the auditorium (and no encore then, so maybe you felt the same Joe) - last night was the 4th time I'd seen Joe live, and a most impressive display - a more intimate venue meant that even those near the back of the stalls felt close, and this is the sort of atmosphere that works well for everyone, and last night Joe and the band were obviously enjoying themselves immensely - big grins all round!

Like some of the other respondents , I felt the sat-down set was a highlight, I Believe and Midnight being stand out parts for me. I think Starry Night is set to be up there with 'Always...' as a 'must play' tune. Mindstorm is heavy as you like, and the tone was excellentthroughout, with the anthemic 'Friends' as a closing number absolutely massive.

An excellent show - thanks for visiting the UK again - hopefully we will see you again soon, and next time for more than just the one date in London.

(Mark Taylor)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 3:21 am
Totally excellent Joe, glad you brought out some older music. Man that seven string is killer "ibanez please make them available". Thanks again for signing my Chromeboy and Crystal Planet (JS2K), plus the other thing I asked you to do (no comment). Matt Bissonette is one cool guy/player telling jokes afterwards. Galen Henson must have one busy day being your tour manager as well, got one of his picks. YOUR A TOP CLASS SHOWMAN JOE.

Hangman Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 3:11 am
What a show...after waiting for 5 hours outside..I got to the front..the only person infront of me was Joe... thats how it should be !! There was a change to the usual format , as there was a support on before Joe , i think his name was Ned Evett. very strange ,but very cool guitar player. Fretless guitar with a mirror finish neck . 8:30pm and Joe hits the stage ,and man was it cool , I think the highlight for me was Crushing Day ,just to see how he played it after hearing the studio version for so long, it was mind blowing , i hope he keeps it in future sets . the rest of the show was amazing. The Headless Horseman and Midnight were so cool to see and they sounded great. The new tracks from SBM came across very well, definitly some future classics there. I really loved the ouro to Friends , nice halftime feel with Joe standing on the drum riser for all to see . after reading previous show reviews , i have to agree that Matt Bissonette did not fit in to well , but hey , it wasn't my band ,As usual , the british crowd were farely quiet throughout. though towards the end they found their voices . Joe seemed to have a great time, as did the rest of the band .

braincharm Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 1:28 am
Last night was the 7th time I have seen Joe in concert and most definitely the best show of the lot. Joe's playing is always impeccable but what made last night's show stand out was the intimate little set he played while sitting down. It has been a dream come true to watch Joe play 'I Believe' live on stage (thankyou, Joe). I especially enjoyed the stuff from the new album, particularly 'Belly Dancer' which is an amazing track, and watching Joe perform on those interesting and probably very difficult guitars (the seven string and the double neck with the weird tuning) was great.

(Jordan Birch)
Thu Jul 18 '02
Shepherds Bush Empire
London, , GB
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri Jul 19, '02 1:01 am

This was definately the best gig I have seen in a long time... As far as what stuff he played goes, it was what he usually does (except he did play Crushing Day, which is one of my favourites). Joe, when playing Surfing With The Alien, made an obvious effort to make eye contact with everybody in the audience... Although, thinking about it, it's quite depressing that I felt excited because "JOE SATRIANI LOOKED AT ME!" ;)

An excellent show. Well done, Joe! (yeah... I know it rhymes.. It's not on purpose)