show review
(Anthony Michiejew)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 25, '03 6:16 am
Great Show...Best I've ever been...Maybe Joe visit Poland with the G3 It would be great..... Joe, Poland Love You !!!

Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 29, '03 12:31 pm
That was the greatest concert I ever been on.... Play at Poland again Joe... We love your music! We love you!

(Dominik Stodolny)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Aug 17, '02 5:55 am
Joe Satriani was great.

Kiss The Sky
(Jan Arendarski)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 29, '02 10:50 am

This was awesome! Probably the best show in this year (ex aequo with Bobby McFerrin two weeks later at the same place). It's cool to see good and LIVING guitarist (cause you don't often go on a show with Jimi Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughan,to who I also liten to, playing live). I had to take a 3-day break from a camp at the Wigry Lake and I must say it was worth it. All the good songs (+one boring - I Believe - it was like pop) were on the gig. It was fun to see how the riffs and solo's are played (like in Crushing Day or Surfing With An Alien). It's a pity I didn't get a pick or an autograph (not mentioning the aftershow ticket).

Thanks for the show and come back to Poland on the 12th Warsaw Summer Jazz Days (or maybe on the Jazz Jamboree this year!!!)

Jan Arendarski, 16 yrs, Podkowa Leśna, Poland

(Michal Slotwinski)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 24, '02 7:40 am
2nd concert in Poland I've been to - eh... it's a pitty, that also second ever. Well, what can I say - Joe - your a class for yourself. I only dream, that next time you'll play The forgotten part 2... The best of the best! This bit is always in my mind (were you thinking of a boat on a stormy sea, while writing it?)

(michal lukowski)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon Jul 22, '02 5:06 am
Hey! It was very good show!!! I want to see you again i Poland!!! You are greate!!! Gunner

Paulbert Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 22, '02 4:58 am

HELLO SATCH !!! Here is speaking one man who gave you the PICK at the concert at Congress Hall in Warsaw! I have little hope - maybe you remember me, although I know it is almost impossible...




me: Pawel Jelec, my younger brother Marcin Jelec (plays guitar too and violin) - Thank you for YOUR AUTOGRAPH written on cover of your latest album given to my younger brother Marcin, we have ONE OF THE PICK you dropped, too! and our Friend - Marek Blaszczyk (plays guitar - he got YOUR PICK after really brave jump on the stage:)

(Bartek Kaczor)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 8:15 pm
thanx for comming to Poland- great show, I was really supprised when I heard few old songs.....especially "I belive" - one of my favourite (I didn't expect it) I'll wait till next gig:)))))

(Martina ( Dyer))
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 10:23 am
I think this concert was really good, Joe plays the best but I think there should be a little break during such long show - 2,5 hour... beside I had place in 2nd row and sound quality was poor especially in the rows which were near to scene, some sounds weren't able to hear :( but generaly it was ql :) but few other things pissed me very much. first, that bass guitarist - he was dressed like a dustman!!! I know that some people didn't even pay attention on such things but I think he should be dressed better, joe was throwing (something you play guitar with - I forgot how it's called - sorry) only on his left side; beside Joe had bad contact with audience - he wasvery funny most of the time - I even laughed from time to time bo there wasn't this magic 'contact' with fans which happens sometimes... too bad we couldn't take any fotos during all show becouse the crowd which was during first song prevented taking photos by people from first rows... :( but I think this show was great anyway :) and too bad he didn't sign anything exept some things for aftershow winners :( you should treat your fans better :( and one more thing - why you select only 3 aftershows winners??? there are maaaaany people who want to see you and to be chosen from eg. 160 attending people is like a miracle!!!!!!! think about it! ... can someone write all song which Satch played during this gig in the right order? thnx&greet :)

(pawel brzosko-wegorzewski)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 6 Posted: Sat Jul 20, '02 1:49 am
It was the first time I saw Joe live on stage. I didn't know what to expect yet I expected something completely diffrent that turned out that eve. I admire Joe's playing guitar (as for I am a guitarist myself) but my main thought after the show was that when playing sucha a long gig there must be some kind of script or dramatical plan in order to avoid boring the audience to death. It was as we were served our favourite dish a few times too many. For the first and second time it feels great but then the further on the more overeaten you feel. I think that Joe should work on that spot. Apart from this it was great. I can't exactly remember what he was playing but I'm sure there were such jewels like: summer song extremist satch boogie

(Greg Bulenda)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 17, '02 1:01 pm
Thank's Joe for comming to Poland, the SHOW was just great, the sound was perfect and of course all Your Songs...great break for few slow songs...and I Believe (super) Hope to see You again SOON in Poland...Greg

(Tomasz Grzyb)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 16, '02 2:10 pm

This was a one part show (no break in the middle of the concert) Satch played - Flying In The Blue Dream, Crushing Day, Starry Night, Mind Storm, Seven String, Mountain Song, Midnight, The Headless Horseman, Surfing With The Alien, Cool #9, Ice 9, Satch Boogie, Friends, The Extremist, The Crush Of Love, Summer Song, Always With Me Always With You, I Believe, Why, Devils Slide, Rapsberry Jam Delta-V, New Last Jam and an improvisation based on a "Power Cosmic" theme. There was a bass solo by Matt Bissonette too... A lot of songs - they were played with extremal confidence and very, very well... As You can see, the SAME songs were later performed in Hamburg :> The show was great. I had an aftershow pass, but it was so hard to get an aftershow tickets (me and my friends almost lost our nerves). PLEASE- JOE AND THE CREW -MAKE SURE THAT THE AFTERSHOW WINNERS GET THEIR TICKETS - we looked almost everywhere, and noone knew anything about an aftershow... fact we didn't had an aftershow tickets, but we managed to get to the aftershow..... and we were so happy, Joe even autographed my guitar - I'll never sell it (and never play it again - anyone has a guitar for sale :)

Joe was so nice during the aftershow - I ' can't describe it. (even though he's an alien :)

Joe - Thanks for playing in Poland. Come back to us soon. Great show - for me - 10

mutabor13 Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 7 Posted: Sun Jul 14, '02 11:29 pm
good sides of the show were described i want to put some orher side remarks 1. The sound was too painfull for me, if i'm correct jbl has that bad side, try EV 2. there were jazz days in Poland, we were coming form Lithuania, a good piece of "lovely polish" road, i'm personally expected more heart breaking music like "love thing" and more improvization on themes like track no. 11 Hill Groove from new album, we all know old satch songs, the best what you could expect from good show is not to make move your head on very known melody, but open your fantasy and heart for unknown roads of such virtuoso like satriani, there were right things at this side in the concert. the same dialog making like in live in S. Fransisco wasn't in my taste, Joe, please do something else with public, for your quality master it's unusual to play the same riffs in 2 different concerts. The best you could do is to make people cry from your music, other sides of your music is not bad too, but it's time to move on and forget that 20 century with laud rock music. The best you could do is bluesy, oriental and jazzy. It couses inspiration...

Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jul 14, '02 11:19 pm
well... exciting and moving show... i even cried... thank you, mr satriani.

(Wojtek Mazurczyk)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 13, '02 2:24 pm
This was the best concert of all I've ever been at. Thank you Joe. Seeing you live on the stage it was something I will remember for a long, long, long time. I hope to see you once again in Poland soon. For everyone that don't know yet - please visit Polish unofficial web page of Joe Satriani - Maybe Joe will take a look...

Michalow Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 13, '02 7:56 am
Remarkable Show :) Great concert...the best I've ever seen. Joe....please, visit POLAND again !!!!!

(Grzegorz Makles)
Fri Jul 12 '02
Congress Hall
Warsaw, , PL
Rank: 7 Posted: Sat Jul 13, '02 7:00 am
Dobrze bylo, bez rewelacji jednak... Kto byl wie.