show review
(Jan Kopper)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Jul 17, '02 4:24 pm
yes, this show was amazing! joe played nearly every song i wanted to hear. he also played midnight and it was so great. the rain started at the right time. also jeff and matt were really great, but why wasn´t there any bass or drum solo? that´s the only thing i wanted to criticize. joe forever! ciau.

hundti Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon Jul 15, '02 8:27 am
Altough it rained heavily the audience kept the good mood and celebrated satriani with endless applause.I was a little bit disappointed of the quite sloppy interpretation of Always with me always with you.But inspite of that song Joe was really impressing.

(Omar Fakhr)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 13, '02 4:38 am
It was realy amazing. I became a fan of Joe almost 3 year ago. I am kind of satriani obsessed. I wanted to see him at any cost. And I did. I finally went to his concert and it was amazing. I still can't believe I was there. Unfortunatly I didn' t win an aftershow icket, but it was still Great. I was the tallest one in the concert, so I was happy that Joe did see me. He actually kind of talked to me, wanted to throw me a pick, but he wasn't that good thrower though. But I managed to get the drumstick of JEFF, which is also great. The bassman Matt was also cool. When everybody looked Joe's way, I wanted to see what the Matt was doin, and herecognized I was looking his way, also because of the height, and he said something to me. I think it was either "thank you" or "Hello". Maybe I am mistakin'. After the show I met the rythim guitarist, he was very very short. I managed after the show also to get me a Poster for free. i say it was almost a perfect day for me. i got a cold from the rain, but it was fun. The rain came down as he played SURFING WITH THE ALIEN and everybody went nuts. Also a very good thing was that the last song he played was friends, it was the first Joe's song I coluld play. I am also happy that I found other people who like Stach that much. Although I was his biggest fan from the audience, I am Egyptian and the one who says he is his geman biggest fan might be right, but all in all I am more fan. I think I am talking to much. I really want to contact people form the concert, so send me mails. It will be great and write in the title anything that has to do with JOE, so that I don't erase the message. CU

Westwind Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 11, '02 4:23 pm

A little but hot place for a perfect show. The place was hot in both senses, but the temperatures changed, so the guitar changed it's tuning. Nevertheless I think only a few people did recognize that, because Joe is perfect enough to compensate such odds. And after he finished the song, he took another guitar, that 7-string-thing. Hey, it's complex enough to use 6 strings with 5 fingers and getting such sounds. There must be a secret symbiotic relationship between his fingers and guitars... And now 7 strings, is he an alien?... ;) Even the rain and lightnings at the end of the show couldn't impress him. When he played in the rain, a new sun was rising on the stage. So much power and joy from a little man, a Titan under all those guitarslingers. Musical highlight of the year!!!

Hey Joe, if You give away your plecs after every song, I suppose it's getting a very expensive tour for You ;)

(Heiko Schmidt)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 11, '02 11:38 am

Hi Satch, Your Gig on 07.09 at the Serenadenhof/Nürnberg was a GREAT-GREAT-GREAT Show, i´m happy , you are so cool and easy, - oh yeah - only THE BEST.

The Biggest Fan from Germany

(Gerrit Leppelsack)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 11, '02 8:12 am
Yes, in the end it was raining, it was FUN! And sure, you guys enjoyed it too, right? Thank you for being to Germany and of course: Thanx for having the time to sign the guitar!

(John Bruce)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 11, '02 2:50 am
Hey Joe I really enjoyed the concert it was kind of like different being open air this is my 3rd time that I've seen you ! But not my last I took a young fellow who's learning the guitar and he was in a state of unbelief at you guitar playing (me too) As always Joe you played 100% although I am a very accomplished player we all admire your incredible talent and your nice pleasant way ! By the way when you took the picture as we came in I was on it up front on the right anyway Joe thanks a million for coming to Nuremberg and I hate rain it sure did come down didn't it anyway it was worth the soaking wasn't it ! Take care Joe and by the way the band was spot on too ! Many thanks John Bruce

binny Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: Posted: Thu Jul 11, '02 12:13 pm
What did we do to deserve this? The nest of Nuremberg, blessed with Joe's pizazz!!!! His passion andvitality on stage were a thrill. Joe literally made lightning crack and thunder roll, I'm obsessed..........

sledge76 Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 10, '02 12:28 pm
This was such a great show!

Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 10, '02 9:42 am
The first two songs everybody was standing there, watching his fingers. Then, accepting it as not of this earth, everybody began to dance. The rain came and, wet to the skin, everybody freaked out. The only thing missing in the moment - "Tears in the Rain" ;-) A great place, a great band, Joe Satriani and I got a plectrum... it can't get better

PlayForPleasure Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Jul 10, '02 8:36 am
The show was great. He strarted with Flying In A Blue Dream. And continued with songs from the new album and some of his best like Summer Song, Always With You, Always With Me. Although it started to rain at the end there was a great feeling while he was playing Surfing With An Alien. He also played two extra songs: Satch Boogie and Friends. But I wonder why he wasn't playing his new JS 2000. Unfortunally he didn't play Cryin' and Rubina. I was one of those lucky aftershow winners. The most of the people weren't knowing what we were doing there, but finally Joe was there and signed our CD Covers and we were talking a bit. Cool feeling to meet the God of guitar music.

(Benjamin Mueller)
Tue Jul 09 '02
Nurnberg, , DE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 10, '02 6:08 am
Joe - you fulfilled my dream! Thats all I can say... ´cause there´re no more words to express what I wanna say... I´m speechless.... Music is everything - everything is music...