show review
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 5 Posted: Thu Jun 12, '03 10:53 am

WARNING! To those of you out there who like myself are HUGE Joe Satriani fans, but feel indifferent to the band Dream Theater, or are not familiar with much of their music, you are about to experience the following emotions if you attend a concert during the month of September: heartbreak, confusion, dismay, and disbelief.

Let me preface what I have to say by stating that I love- LOVE Joe Satriani's music, and have attended his concerts on 7 previous occasions and always been happy with the outcome. It has been one of the true pleasures of life to follow Joe's career down the always fresh and unique paths that his music takes from album to album, and then watch this fantastic performer on a live tour. Also, I have tremendous respect for the members of Dream Theater, who are all very talented musicians capable of composing and performing fairly complex music. Both Dream Theater and Joe poured their hearts into their performances last night- there was not a single person on that stage just going throught he motions.

The problem is this- JOE SATRIANI SHOULD NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, PERFORM AN ABBREVIATED SET AS ESSENTIALLY AN OPENING ACT FOR DREAM THEATER. I don't know what concert promoters/ powers that be came up with this totally ludicrous concept that Joe and Dream Theater would alternate opening or closing the show on this tour, but the WHOLE CONCEPT STINKS! Joe Satriani is clearly the top-billing act on this tour, and should be treated as such. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, ASK THE HALF OF THE AUDIENCE THAT RAN FOR THE GATE AS IF THERE WERE A PRIZE FOR THE FIRST 50 PEOPLE TO LEAVE AFTER JOE LEFT THE STAGE AND DREAM THEATER CAME ON. Having Dream Theater close for Joe Satriani is like FARTING IN AN ELEVATOR FULL OF PEOPLE! Nobody sees it coming and there's nothing anybody can do to stop it. All anyone knows is that it's wrong and it stinks really bad.


Well, let it be known that Joe did not come back. I looked around at what audience was left at the end of the night when the lights came on and it was clear that Joe had left the building, and all I saw were dissapointed looks on people's faces. This was clearly not what we had hoped for.

So let this be a plea to whoever the concert promoters are for this concert tour- it's not too late to change and make things right. Maybe not for me, I've already spent my money. But please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BUDDAH, ALLAH, OR WHOMEVER YOU BELIEVE TO BE THE SUPREME BEING OF THE UNIVERSE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PUT JOE BACK AS THE TOP BILL FOR THIS TOUR AND ALLOW HIM TO PLAY A FULL SET. If the members of Dream Theater doen't like it, they can tour by themselves before a significanly smaller but more appreciative audience. Don't deprive Joe Satriani fans any more!

(Tim Harmon)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Mar 19, '03 1:35 pm
GREAT show! The guitar was crisp (as always) and the atmosphere was electric. SBM is a great record release! The mix of the old with the new made this show a one in a life time. The let down of the show was that JS opened for DT. Why? After JS, there is nothing. As it says on this page many groups or players have reached high standards, but non even come close to JS. Joe, you are a true guitar icon and will live on through the test of time

(Scott Zeigler)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Feb 18, '03 6:10 pm
I was a lucky fan who just happened to get front row seats for this incredible outdoor event with the worlds greatest rock guitarists. Joe was accompanied by Kings X and Dream Theater. That was quite the lineup. Kings X got everyone in the mood. Joe was next, followed by Dream Theater. Joe and DT were co-headlining this tour. I have been a HUGE fan of Joe for many years. I have seen him live 3 times. I have also been to many, many concerts, but this incredible night will always stand out as the greatest show I have ever seen. I can just sit and listen to Joe's beautiful music for hours on end. His musical talent, and artistic abilites have proven him to be one of the greatest guitarists of all time. I will continue to support Joe and his musical career. I will do anything to one of these days get to meet Joe and just shake his hand.

Gullo Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Dec 12, '02 8:06 am
I showed up hoping that Loe was the headliner, as my ticket suggested( it had his picture on it) only to find out he was opening for Dream Theatre. Good band, good musicians, but come on... over half of the people left when Joe did. Go figure. I felt ripped off and ashamed that the guy who blows my mind every time I hear him play (the old stuff still does too) was playing second fiddle. I love you Joe.

(David Zawol)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Dec 06, '02 1:49 pm
Joe always put on a good show....very good song selection for the amount of time he played.

(P. Aaron Jones)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Sep 07, '02 4:44 pm
I thought Joe could've been louder. Strange but true. King's X had a muddy mix, a sparse crowd, and no bass guitar could be discerned, but they had a louder mix. When Joe, Jeff, Galen, and Greg hit the stage the place immediately filled up. "Flying in a Blue Dream" right out of the chute. No add libbing on Joe's part, just straight forward. I was thrilled to hear "Crushing Day". It rocked! always a favorite of mine. The mix still could've been louder, but I was ignoring that and digging the music. The band was in fine form, and since in the middle plowed through a great but economical set with little delays between songs. I wish we could've gotten another 4-6 songs out of the BAND, but time being tight, the house lights came up, the equipment removed, and the set-up for Dream Theater commenced. But Joe and the Band where great! P. Aaron Huntington Woods, MI

(Mike Perez)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Sep 05, '02 10:50 pm
Awesome show, you put on the best Joe. Only wish you would have played longer. Also, I hope you get "Pearly" back safe & sound. Thanks again for the aftershow passes, you made a dream come true for me. I finally got to meet my guitar hero, I only wish I wouldn't have been so tongue tied so I could've talked to you some more, maybe next time. Anyways, as always you put on one HELL of a show. Thanks again for an awesome experience! Thanks for signing my guitars too! It was a pleasure to finally meet the one & only Silver Surfin' Satch!!

cyberdman Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Sep 04, '02 6:09 am
Well, I don't know exactly what to say except that the show rocked. I was kind of put off though that Joe - the crowd killer and the one which people really came to see - played a short set. It was my understanding that Joe and Dream Theatre were CO-headlining, meaning they would both be playing full sets. So, needless to say, I was rather disappointed when the house lights came on and I was thinking that there should have definately been an encore. I have seen Joe every time he has ever come to Michigan (I even managed to get his autograph way back on the original Flying in a Blue Dream tour), and I can say that this was one of his better performances with a real nice mix of tunes. I was really blown away when Joe pulled Crushing Day and Midnight out of the vault! I give this show an 8 though only because of the shorter set and the fact that I would have liked to also hear more tunes performed off of the new CD. What would be totally sweet - Joe I hope you are listening - is that if he comes back around again, by himself, and does another leg follow-up tour to support the new CD. Joe, you are my ultimate guitar hero and this was a great show - we just all need to hear some more of you. Thanks for coming to our city. I was disappointed when the "Engines" tour did not stop in Detroit.

(Glen Herbert)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Tue Sep 03, '02 6:42 pm
I'm giving the show an 8 because he didn't play by himself. Joe sounded great and always looks like he's having fun onstage. Thanks for a great show even though you didn't play by yourself. KingsX I won't comment on it's not worth it. The sound for Dream Theater was terrible. The singers voice drownded everyone out in the band. I think this guy is in love with himself.

dolfer Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Tue Sep 03, '02 8:40 am
The show was great! I loved everything about it. I liked Matt and Galen, there presence added beautiful texture and tone. The only thing I didn't like was...Joe's part of the show was way too short. I could have listened to Joe all night long. Dream Theatre is good, but after Joe (and Rush a few weeks ago) they just didn't impress me. Thanks for a wonderful time, Joe. Please come back to the mid-west soon. And hopefully without anyone else besides you and the boys.

Old Smooth
(Gerry DeRosia)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 02, '02 8:34 pm
The show was nothing short of amazing, the opening act, King's X was great. I liked what i heard, they were a great band. Their guitarist was pretty darn good too. Then Joe came on, with a surprise of wearing red instead of black. He was incredible, I should have brought a spair pair of underpants because i crapped my pants when he played "Crushing Day", the rest of his set was great. Then came dream theater, the big jam they played where they meshed all their instrumentals together was incredible to watch and hear. I also laughed out loud when the guitar and bass player were kicking a soccer ball back and forth while they were playing "Ytse jam", it was great. The only complaint i'd have is my seats werent good enough and Joe should have played more, but it was still a great experience, 2 thumbs up, I'll see ya next time around Joe.

computerdude89 Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 02, '02 1:15 pm
I thought the concert was the best one I have ever seen. Joe is the best guitarist ever!

leftatrium Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Mon Sep 02, '02 12:44 pm
First of all I want to say that Joe played very well as I expected he would. I agree that he should have been able to play longer. My feet were hurting because I had to stand up to see past the people standing where they weren't supposed to. Dream Theater should have opened for Joe and I thought the crowd could have been cooler. When Joe tried to interact with us no one was going along with it. I was so far away that it wouldn't have mattered if I was. I can't wait to see him on Tuesday in Cleveland second row. Joe if you read this please toss me a pick (i'm the small guy with his hot girlfriend and a black hat on!!!) I'd like to add that I almost had a heart attack when I heard Crushing Day and Midnight. Right at the end when he was playing Friends I tried to walk down the isle to get as close as possible to the stage. I was ruffed up by security and almost kicked out, but the real show was over anyway.

(Brandon Chase)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 02, '02 8:01 am
Joe, awsome job!!!!!!!!!!!!! That show reminded me once again why you are my guitar idol!! I saw last years G3 as well, that was awsome too. My seats were much better for this show, so I could really apprecate your playing more because I could see it!!!!! I loved how you played "Crushing Day", that was awsome!!! I also really enjoyed "midnight"! That put a different spin on your show..... awsome job!! My only complaint............. You wernt able to play longer!!! Oh well, maybe next time!!

biggymike Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Sep 02, '02 6:30 am
Another great performance by Joe. He came right out played the hits, and sounded great. The material from his new album was very good. The only thing was that I wish he could of played longer. Mike

Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Aug 31, '02 6:05 pm
WOW, all I can say. I had seen Joe once before, last year at G3 with Petrucci and Vai, great show. Last nights show was incredible. My only complaint was that I wish Joe had played longer. I had never heard of King's X before but I was very pleased with their music and performance. You could tell by the way the moved and worked the crowd and from their singing that they are not like so many of the souless bands that play today, I can respect that. I had seen Petrucci play at G3 last year and I think he's amazing so I was interested in seeing Dream Theater perform. I can't begin to say what talent is in that band. Good Job guys. Now on to Joe. My god, seeing him in concert is like I have said before, its like WATCHING music. He's a true master of his art. Its great to hear songs you've heard a hundred times but because of the subtle and not so subtle changes he makes to EVERY song its like have a little treat just for that night. CRAZY GOODNESS there!!!!

(Gary Pahlow)
Fri Aug 30 '02
DTE Energy Music Theatre
Detroit, MI, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sat Aug 31, '02 11:30 am
I've seen Joe at least a dozen times and it was definitely a disappointment for him to only play for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. We need him to come back to Detroit and do a whole 3 hour evening next time. The set list was a good sampling of songs from just about every disc. Set List: Flying In A Blue Dream, Crushing Day, Devil's Slide, Cool #9, Satch Boogie, Crush Of Love, Mind Storm, 7 String, Midnight, Starry Night, Always With Me, Always With You, Raspberry Jam Delta-V, Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, Summer Song, Friends. It was great to finally see him do Crushing Day, although the sound on Joe's guitar during both Crushing Day and Devil's slide seemed to be muddled and dominated by the bass player. By the 4th song, Cool #9, the sound was dialed in much better. The opening band, Kings X, played a short 30 minute set, but the few fans in the audience enjoyed them and gave them alot of applause. Dream Theater closed the show and from what I could see there were alot of people still in their seats and they gave them as much or more applause than for Joe. Dream Theater's set was also too short and they too deserve to play a full evening show by themselves. All of them are truly are a talented set of musicians.