jano59 |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 10 | Posted: Fri Jul 30, '04 9:25 am |
Never mind all the s...e below :-) This was -<_the guitar_>- event of many many many years in little Denmark, I for one fully enjoyed every little second. The show was hair rising good, even now over a month after, the hair on my arms is standing high when one of the set lists numbers is playing on my stereo! In the deepest respect Jan ¨ªstergaard ¢Ü THANKS G3. PLEASE COME BACK SOON!
xlnc |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 7 | Posted: Wed Jul 07, '04 12:10 pm |
well i really enjoyed the show, that was one the best moments of my life. it was my very first time to see these 2 masters of guitars live. show was great except for few things. the 3rd guitarist robert fripp was completely a misfit. hall was not of the standard for such guitar players. steve via was too loud.
satrinicious |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 9 | Posted: Thu Jun 24, '04 6:50 am |
15 minutes into the show I realized that this anonymous gentleman playing what I thought at first was another soundcheck, was Robert Fripp. Some people booed at him, which was rude - but I guess his dreamlike, ambient-type of music was so very different from what people expected. Admittedly, there was not much rock´n roll about it, but I thought it was a nice appetizer. Lots of credit to the brains behind G3 (Joe?!) for not being afraid of trying something new. I agree with "burnoutsuperman" that a more extensive collaboration between Joe and Robert Fripp would be interesting. Think of Joe´s "Clouds race across the sky" - I wouldn´t mind him exploring further into that type of song again. A nod with the head or even a "hello" to the audience from Robert Fripp would be in place though. As for Steve Vai I never understood what he´s trying to express with his music. Wanted to give him yet another chance with this G3 though, but the volume was way too loud, his stageperformance way too flamboyant and so I still don´t understand what he´s doing. For me when Joe hit the stage, that´s when the show started! Joe is like "let´s cut the crap and play some great music" - and he sure did! It was really great to hear a lot of the songs from the new album. I wonder why he left out "Lifestyle" though? - in my opinion a song perfectly suited for the live performance. On "I like the rain" one couldn´t really hear Joe´s vocal, but standing right in front of him I heard his singing voice coming directly from his mouth. "War" was a really great surprise - one of my all time favourite Joe songs. Also "Satch Boogie" and "Always..." - the classics which are a "must". "Flying in a blue dream" is a fantastic song and Joe´s live interpretation makes it even better. During the jam it became very obvious that Joe is an amazingly brillant guitarist. He plays with such authority, and he takes on the leading role in a perfectly natural way. All in all a really great concert - it felt like it was over in 5 minutes! Joe was smokin´! He is definetely one of af kind - a true guitar-wizard. The 9th rank is due to Robert Fripp´s lack of interaction with the audience and the exaggerated volume during Steve´s set. I love Jeff Campitelli´s beautiful and warm smile. Keep up the good drum-work Jeff - and keep smiling!
adder |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 9 | Posted: Sat Jun 19, '04 8:02 am |
My second chance to see Joe play live again, and my first to see Steve Vai. I don't mean to 'rip on Fripp' but he did seem very misplaced in my opinion. I actually thought he was a roadie/technician that did som warmp up stuff until the show really began...anyways, after Fripp finished playing, Steve comes out with a big smile and starts blowing us all away. Great stuff! Absolute pleasure to hear and see Vai play. For the Love of God was a highlight for me. Joe was Joe and did his thing - played a lot from his new album. Did miss and hoped for more of the old stuff but his gig worked really well with the new stuff. Al always, we were treated to Satch Boogie and a great alternative version of Always with Me, Always with You. The highlight of the night was a 'guitar duel' between Joe and Vai where they stood opposite each other and shed wood like I haven't seen before. Great fun and a great concert. Can't wait to see them again...
josinski |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 8 | Posted: Wed Jun 16, '04 5:11 am |
This was my first G3 concert and I had a great time! The Hall was pretty small for such great rockin' music so the sound technicians had a lot of work on thier hands. It was loud through Steve's session, but otherwise a great experience. Robert Fripp did an excellent Job with his music and showed artistic expressiveness. Joe Satriani's musical talent is absolutely astounding. He has a really natural style and creates great music while at the same time shows his awe inspiring speed and technical mastery of the Guitarre.
exxon |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 8 | Posted: Wed Jun 16, '04 2:48 am |
All in all a very good concert. There are however some flaws i'd like to address. The sound level was much too high. Alas, that's not unusual these days. Only Fripp managed to keep his sound at a comfortable level. I had to put in my earplugs and thus got a poorer experience, but the alternative to get a serious damage to my hearing is not acceptable. Since so many are displeased with Robert Fripp's performance I'd like to address that too. I enjoyed his set immenseley. Many may not have noticed it, but before the concert started he sat on his stool for like 10 minutes or so. I guess he was there to take in the atmosphere, to determine what could be played. He made a few notes on a piece of paper, contemplated the hall once more and went. He later came in with his guitar, sat on his stool, the lights dimmed and he began to play. I think he succeeded in playing the right music for this occasion. He managed to melt his playing with peoples small-talk and whistling and in that way I think he extented his instrument to include the hall and the people in it. When he was finished, he left the stage letting the music fade and people very focused. At that pecise moment Steve Vai should have entered. It may not have been possible due to tecnical reasons, but I think it should be strived at, to make the gap between Fripp and Vai as small as possible. Later in Satriani's set Fripp sneaked in and played along and layed down some nice synth pads. In the G3-jam I think that the sound technicians should have been more attentive and put Fripp's soloing on level with Vai and Satriani, so he could be up front despite he prefers to sit in the dark. It occoured to me why Fripp wants to sit in the dark, because the light technicians sometimes let a blue light shine directly on the audience for several minutes. I had my sunglasses with me and put them on, but they didn't help much. That was very anoying. However I would have liked Fripp to come forward to take the applause from the audience after the concert together with the musicians. He was applauding the other musicians thus showing he had a good time. So why would he not take the applause from the audience? We had a good time hearing some excelent music from all the artists and he was, like it or not, one of them. This was to me a full blown G3.
hakke |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 9 | Posted: Tue Jun 15, '04 3:46 pm |
I must say this was a brilliant show! It was the first time I had the honour to see Steve in a live gig. It was great what a gifted player he is! I must disagree with some of the reviews that Joe should do more stuff with Robert he was not good at all! He just didn't really interact with the audience. He was just sitting in his chair in one corner of the stage making weird sounds! I was a bit disappointed that you didn't have the same lineup as you had for the american leg of the G3 tour! I really would have prefered Yngwe Malmsten he is a great guitar player and he really is an underrated guitarist! I still thougt the show was great and I really think Steve was exceptional! I enjoyed your show as well Joe! You are always good because of your melodic tunes and your great enthusiasm! I hope you will be able to convince Eddie Van Halen, Brian May or Jeff Beck to join you on your next G3 tour! Keep rockin Joe we love you and please bring Steve again for your next G3 tour he is great!
Kind Regards
Jesper Hartnack
burnoutsuperman |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 9 | Posted: Tue Jun 15, '04 2:52 pm |
I have to disagree with the previous review (and the reviews of the Holland show). I think Robert's set was brilliant! Imagine a ballsier Brian Eno on guitar. His show was very atmospheric, and I think it was a perfect way of starting this guitar-heavy night. Steve Vai's set was great, but marred by the sound which was way too loud. Was up front for the first few songs, and all I could hear was Sheehan's bass. In my opinion Joe stole the show. I dont care that much for the the new album, but the songs he played from it worked great. GREAT jam at the end of "Always With Me..." ! " War" was a pleasant surprise too.
I love "Surfing" and "Summer Song", but giving them a break is a great idea. Robert Fripp joined Joe's band for the last couple of songs, playing some brilliant guitar-synth. The jam started with "Ice 9", great choice! After this they plunged into a King Crimson medley, which I'm told consisted of "In The Court Of The Crimson King" and "Red". I'm not that familiar with King Crimson, but this medley was excellent. I didnt get the title of the following jam but it was great too. Might have been another King Crimson song. I really enjoyed hearing Steve and Joe playing some "progressive" stuff, more on this later. The jam ended with "Rocking In The Free World", sending everybody home smiling. And now for the serious stuff: I hope that Robert joining Joe's set is a warning of things to come. I love Joe's music, but I think that a temporary change of direction would be welcome. Joe, please make an album with Robert Fripp! Seeing you and mr. Vai jamming those Crimson tunes was very inspirational, and I'd love to hear you explore that kind of music more. Musically, this show was a 10, but because of Steve's sound it only gets a 9.
bluedonie |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: | Posted: Tue Jun 15, '04 2:18 pm |
Does anybody know the list songs of Joe & Steve? Thanks
killerbb |
Mon Jun 14 '04 184 KB Hallen, Copenhagen, |
Rank: 7 | Posted: Tue Jun 15, '04 5:02 am |
Great G2 show.....
Robert Fripp was totally misplaced in this show. The entire set of his, sounded like a score of a boring movie. Too bad! Hope the choise next time will be a little more exiting...
Steve Vai came on stage and instantly turned KB Hallen into the great Guitar Party that everybody was expecting. Great show on stage also from Billy Shehan and the other musicians.
Joe Satriani also gave what people wanted, although I was a little disappointed of the performance of Joe´s musicians. Not the way they played, because they were amazing, but their lack of involvement in the stage show. I was missing a little teasing (like between Satch and Stuart Hamm).
All in all a good show. At least from the last 2 G´s.