Fill out the form below to become a member of Joe's online fanclub. Required fields are marked with an *, the rest are optional.
Important Information About Your Account!
- Email addresses - Make sure you enter your valid email address or you will not be able to receive your password and your account will not be activated! This includes allowing mail from in any filters you have.
- Password Recovery - In case you ever forget your password, you can use this to unlock your account. Simply enter in a good secret question that no one else will know the answer to and then enter the answer you must enter to reset your account
- Real Name - Make sure you enter your real full name (as on a picture ID), otherwise you may not be able to use any aftershow passes that you win from
- Mailing Address - Make sure you enter your postal mailing address
so you are eligible to receive special contests where we send autographed
CDs, DVDs, etc.
After your account is created and approved, you can update this information at any time by selecting "Preferences" from the Interact tab of the web site.