#785 (Joetabber) Q: Hi Joe, i apologize in advance if my english isn't very good ok. First at all i wanna thank you for all this years making great music, i've been listening your records since i was 12 years old and now i'm 20, i've grown up like a musician inspired by you, and that's something i'll never forget in my entire life, and i'm serious, i love being a musician, and you and hendrix are definitely a deep inspiration for me. You know, here in Peru (the country above Chile) there are so many musicians w8ing for you to come, when u went to Chile, 45% of the crowd were Peruvians, believe it or not, also u got a Fan Club in here, and we're waiting for you to perform in Peru. The question is, when will you come to South America, and if so, why not coming to Peru? Believe me, We've been w8ing for you for a long time. We hope u'll come here Joe.
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