#418 (Frank15) Q: Dear Joe, I`m one of your many fan here in the Philippines, your music is amazingly expressive and beautiful, and also very hypnotic. I`m even dreaming of playing and composing like you. Actually, I can`t be as patient and creatuve like you. I`d would like to ask you something about your music. Did you applied to your music the Sacred Geometry of music? The ancient school of music says that there are frequencies, harmonics and intervals that can affects the moods and functions of body and mind. Did you know Hans Cousto, a Swiss scientist who developed precision-calibrated tuning forks for each of planetary keys? for example: - the Key of g(194.71Hz) has a dynamic, stimulating and energizing effect on the mindbody. - the Key of C-sharp(136.10Hz) is calming, meditative and relaxing effect. - the Key of F(172.06) it has joyful, cheerful, and spiritual effect. As you know, I still ignoramus of technicalities of guitar music and I don`t know how to apply this musical keys to the compositions. Have you applied it into your music? Did you also heared and know about the 4th dimensional and 5th dimensional sound, a new technology that can deepen and makes the music more lively and deeply felt by the listeners? If you have ever applied and used this theory and technology in to your music please inform me. What album/s and when it should be launched if not yet released. Again I really like and loved your music. Thank you for making such great music. God Bless. Very truly yours, Frank
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