#34 nodge Q: I found this post on alt.fan.joe-satriani and I'd also love to know what happened to the track - I'd always wondered why there were only 4 of the 5 tracks from the original EP on Time Machine. Thanks, Ben (nodge on satriani.com) ----- Original Message ----- From: david.evans14 Newsgroups: alt.fan.joe-satriani Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 4:29 PM Subject: Joe Satriani EP Hi Guitar Surfers! > Does anyone know if the track 'Talk to me' from Joes long since deleted debut EP is available anywhere? - I'm dying to hear the track Its strange he never included it along with the other tracks of the same era on 'Time Machine'. Did he think it was not worthy or what?? Cheers! Dave
A: ...the song "talk to me" couldn't be transfered because the original tape had some age related defects.
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