#132 (Rove) Q: Hi, Sorry for using this way to try to get in contact with your agent/manager or whomever it is that is in charge of these things but I haven't got a clue how else to do it cause I can't find any E-mail addresses anywhere on this site. except those of your website creators. I'm working on a personal project which could give me my big break in the 3DCGI (Computer Generated Imagery) industry (or it could blow up in my face!). I need to know with whom I have to get in contact to get permission to use your name, music and maybe get some "mugshots" from your head. If you need more info about the project please contact me. It's gonna be a very cool thing my project I swear! Rob "WaveRider" Verweij E-mail: rverweij@chello.nl
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